Capricorn Weekly Horoscope 6 - 12 May, 2024

During the week of May 6 - 12, you will have a favorable time for making decisions related to your future. This will be especially pressing if you need to take concrete action during these seven days.
It will be very important to protect yourself from illusions, from delusion or manipulative actions of people who only follow their own interest.
If you are involved in legal or court cases, you may expect developments this week, but they are unlikely to be finalised.
Various problems and troubles will still find a way to surprise you. Despite your attempts to avoid them or solve them in the fastest way, they will manage to create discomfort in your home or workplace.
The week portends moments of tension in your workplace related to an accident, conflicting client/colleague or an inadvertent mistake.
During the week, a health problem will require some kind of therapy or hospital treatment.
During the week, difficulties may arise regarding a financial expense related to a child or a member of your family.
Boys and girls will empathize with various problems or events in the family or in their circle of relatives. This week brings various occasions for gathering or greater communication mostly with relatives. Each one of these seven days will have an important meaning for you and regardless of your age, you will have to show a practical and wise behavior. Do not ignore conversations in the family that are related to financial stability, with future plans, whether you have some direct involvement in them or they will be completely in the hands of your parents.
Men will have to organize their weekly tasks very well, because the probability of new, unplanned ones arising is too great. These unexpected changes should not drastically disrupt your daily plans and cause chaos in them. If you indulge in immature behavior, you will inevitably allow trouble to arise, which you will not enjoy dealing with at all.
Slight financial difficulties or the occurrence of unexpected monetary expenses are possible. Those of you who have a more developed intuition are unlikely to be surprised by any event this week.
Women will tend to seek entertainment, attention and pleasurable experiences with their current partner or outside the family. This will be a favorable week for looking for a new romantic relationship, for getting to know a new partner, including through specialized agencies or dating sites. Despite your desire for emotional and love experiences, you shouldn't let your guard down and inadvertently or over-trust someone who doesn't deserve you. For some of you, difficulties this week will be related to relationships within your home, especially if you are married.

Capricorn Weekly Horoscope 29 April - 5 May, 2024

During the week of April 29 - May 5, several unexpected or urgent commitments will arise, mostly of a banking or financial nature, including those related to paying household bills or other obligations. During these seven days, you will have to arrange various documents, plan or reorganize your personal or family budget, etc.
Many will have the opportunity for additional work, which will have a good effect on your income.
During the week you will attend a gathering or an event related to a relative or friend.
The week will bring you a lot of surprises that will cause various excitement. They do not portend major changes in your life, but as an emotion they will strongly affect you.
Now you will have to make an important decision and start planning an important upcoming change in your life: a new job, a new home, moving to your place of residence, starting a life together, realizing a personal project or work, etc.
The week heralds various meetings and conversations with relatives and friends, with colleagues and neighbors.
In love, you can expect emotional events, and they can bring you joy, but they can also be the cause of disappointment.
In general, this week will be very emotional, dynamic, with fast-moving events.
You will experience these seven days at high speed without having enough time to fully experience the emotions that are given to you.
Boys and girls will go through a highly energetic week in which it will be very important to seize the chances that life will give them. You will have absolutely all the resources to realize them, or at least an idea of where to find them. During this week, you can make bold plans for your future, search for the necessary information, create the necessary contacts or have useful conversations for you. A very good influence on affairs or on your life in general will come from close people. You may have unplanned experiences or encounters with your peers or with people younger than you.
Men will face some difficulties which are definitely surmountable if you face them with wisdom and practicality in decision and action. Avoid being influenced by the emotional advice of those around you. At this point you should be alone with yourself, with your own intuition and ideas about life. The week brings its small joys or pleasant experiences with loved ones. Success in almost every sphere of life is possible, and your plans can be realized in a relatively short time for you.
Women will go through a week where they will have various contacts or engagements with women. In most cases, they will live some distance from you and you don't necessarily know them personally. The week will favor travel, regardless of its purpose or duration. In general, you have a week of more contacts with people from different distances, different nationalities or religions. For some of you, the week brings an invitation to travel or to visit another populated place.