Order Your Personal Horoscope

To order your 1 or 2 Year Horoscope, please carefully fill out the form below.
Yearly horoscope contains:
= Horoscope for a year or two + numerology monthly forecasts for each month

After filling the form and payment please write to [email protected] for confirmation or refusal of your order. The forecast shall be completed within 3 working days and I will sent to your personal email writen on your request here.  
Refund Policy: Please, note that there is no refund policy for the Horoscopes.
The price for 1 year Horoscope is 50 euro, for 2 years - 100 Euro. You can pay through paypal, Revolut or bank transfer

First name:*

Enter your first name.
Middle name:*

Enter your middle name.
Laste name:*

Enter your last name.

Select your sex.

Enter you e-mail address.
Date of birth:*
- - Enter your date of birth.
Time of birth:*
: Enter your time of birth.

Selet your country.
Place of birth:*

Enter your place of birth.
Marital status:*

Enter your marital status.

Enter number of your childer if you have.
Preferred language:*

Select your preferred language.

Mark that if you want 2 years horoscope.
Payment method:*

Select preferred payment method.

Enter the text you see on the image in the textbox below it: