Gemini Season Horoscope Winter and Spring 2025

Horoscopes Winter 2024 and Spring 2025 contains general information about this season + monthly horoscopes for each season

The price of 1 horoscope is 3.00 euro

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Gemini Season Horoscope Autumn

If you were born under the sign of Gemini, this fall and rather early October, retrograde Jupiter can affect you in various ways. Jupiter represents the planet of expansion, growth and prosperity, but when in retrograde motion, these influences can be felt more intensely or in an unexpected way.
Jupiter retrograde may bring surprises or unexpected twists and turns in your life. Opportunities for growth and advancement may arise, but also require greater effort or rethinking the direction you are headed.
It is important to be alert and discerning during Jupiter's retrograde period so that you can use its influence in a constructive way. You may feel more critical of yourself or others, but it is important to avoid excessive self-criticism and focus on the positive aspects of your life and the opportunities that lie ahead.
In general, autumn is shaping up to be a constructive and successful period for you. This should be felt most strongly in your love relationships, especially if you are looking for a new suitable partner in your life. This is a time when you can create a new relationship or deepen one and decide on cohabitation or marriage.
In autumn, however, you will face some unexpected problems or troubles in your family, which can disturb the harmony in your relationship or deepen the problems if it has not existed for a long time. Domestic problems, problems with electrical or water installation, with electrical appliances and any kind of other equipment are likely.
In autumn, you will make several new interesting acquaintances with people for whom it does not matter whether they live in the same city as you or are located at some distance. These will be people who will have some influence on your thinking, views, lifestyle. People who can give you some new knowledge and skills, teach you something.
There may be tension related to money in your work if you work with money. Financial difficulties in business, difficulties related to the payment of the activity you are engaged in are possible. It is possible to receive a rejection in a conversation related to your salary increase and other similar situations.
In terms of health, there may also be some unpleasant moments related to various ailments that will require consultation with a doctor, some kind of treatment, diet or compliance with a certain regime.
Not all the plans you will have this season for your family and home will be able to be realized in the way you want or expect. The reason for this may be your unrealistic views of a given situation or plans that are not in line with reality.
Some marital relationships will be tested by disloyalty on the part of one of the partners, with hidden or unshared actions that may cause unpleasant conflict and even alienation. Subsequently, you will be able to clear this situation, but how successful and long-lasting this will be will depend on the individual qualities of each of you.
In autumn, you will also face some household problems, problems with property or property that you or your family own. And you will find solutions to these problems, but it will cost you time, resources, and most of all, patience.
Autumn brings an unpleasant experience for the boys and girls of this zodiac sign, who may experience some kind of life separation with a person from their circle of relatives or close friends.
Autumn will be a favorable time for men to travel, no matter how far, for what purpose and with whom.
During this season, unexpected or larger expenses related to a child or a young person in your family are coming. It will be good to plan everything in advance, to consider each and every expense to the extent that it is necessary, to look for the best price or offer, before undertaking anything.
Autumn brings good news for women who will enjoy the emergence of new opportunities, new friendships, creating new partnerships or meeting new love.
In autumn, a meeting or gathering will be thwarted, and in most cases the reason for this will be new circumstances in the family, in the city or in the country where you live.

Horoscopes Winter 2024 contains general information about the season.  The price of each horoscope is 3.00 euro and you can make a direct transfer via PAY PAL  or ETSY

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