Aquarius Monthly Horoscopes August and September 2024

Monthly Horoscopes August and September 2024 which include monthly forecast + weekly horoscopes for the entire month can be purchased through  PAY PAL online shop The price of each one horoscope is 4.00 euro and paypal email is: [email protected] Please leave a note with horoscope name and zodiac sign to [email protected] 

Aquarius Monthly Horoscope July 2024. Aquarius Horoscope

If you were born under the sign of Aquarius, in July it will be good to take care of yourself and others. This month will be a great time to reflect on your relationships and pay attention to your partnerships. You may find that communication with your partner has improved, allowing you to make decisions together more easily. If you are single, this is a good time to be open to meeting new people and building new relationships. July will be a favorable time to focus on your spiritual development and increase your awareness. You may find that your intuition is heightened, allowing you to make decisions with greater clarity. ORDER YOUR PERSONAL HOROSCOPE FROM NADIA
The month of July brings a wide range of events and especially challenges to you. The chances that will arise this month can take you to a higher level mainly in your career, help you solve an important family problem or achieve stability in some important area of your life. Your activity and ability to correctly assess your chances will be an important factor in achieving real and positive results.
During this month, your thoughts should not fly in the clouds, but should land on the important material, financial and other practical things in life. You may have a variety of expectations for this month, but how well they will be realized will depend on your ability to correctly assess your own abilities and capabilities.
You will not lack luck this month, but relying on it alone would be a mistake. Use these opportunities or chances in things related to old troubles, complicated cases or health problems. In fact, miracles are not ruled out that will surprise you or appear in your life at a really difficult or complicated moment, but again I mention that you cannot count on it, and you shouldn't.
Good experiences, occasions for pleasant gatherings, excitement, enthusiasm and joy can be various events in your family, or those related to an engagement, a wedding, a birthday or an anniversary.
This will be a favorable month for those planning to get married and start a new family.
During this month, many of you will be absent from your workplace due to summer vacation, position transfer to another office, etc.
Some of you may completely change your job or lose one due to various unexpected events.
This month there will be a lot of tension where you live, where you work, in your city or in your country. In general, public life will be unpredictable, and it will affect your personal life in many ways. For this reason, you can easily be provoked into mindless arguments and conflicts, from which no one will emerge victorious, but everyone will feel insulted, neglected, damaged or misunderstood.
This will be a month in which you will intuitively react wisely to some stressful situations or those related to some incident.
During this month, you will be delighted with news related to someone's long-awaited pregnancy or the birth of a child, which will bring special energy to the family where it will appear.
This month you will go somewhere with flowers or a special gift. For some of you, this will prove to be an auspicious time to settle property rights, rent or lease properties.
Women will hardly be able to plan this month, as surprises will appear almost every day and will be related to a variety of things that until this moment they will have considered certain, settled or concluded. Attempts to act with cunning or manipulation both on your part to other people and vice versa, will almost always end in unpleasant fiasco and loss. This will be an unfavorable month for actions related to the division of inheritance.
Men will be able to reach an agreement, agreement or sign a document that will have an important meaning for their plans and projects.
Your love life will be ordinary, limited to what you have now, or what will be given to you without you making any special effort for it. This passivity on your part can save you from stronger emotions that you do not need at this time. The month of July will be a favorable time for travel, even short distances or those that will happen within a day.
Small losses or failures during the month, where such will happen, will have to be accepted as a life lesson, to avoid dramas, or opening conflicts, the development of which can hardly be predicted by anyone. You will not experience anything this month that will harm you in the way you see it. Even in the worst or most unpleasant experience, there is always something good for you.
Boys and girls will have opportunities for good work and good income, but learn to save and not waste, because everything will not always be so good for you.
Run like a devil from incense from troubles that you have no idea how they will develop and how seriously they can harm you. In some cases, such carelessness and allowing them to deepen can create unwanted new problems for you.
During this month, for the realization of some of your plans and projects, it may be necessary to sign a special contract or settle special documents through various administrative, banking, legal and other instances.