Cancer Monthly Horoscopes April and May 2025

Monthly Horoscopes April and May 2025 contains general information about each month + weeklyhoroscopes for each month
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Cancer Monthly Horoscope March 2025

If you were born under the sign of Cancer, at the beginning of the month (March 4 - 6) the transit of Mercury sextile Pluto may cause you to be interested in topics related to psychology, secrets and conspiracy theories. These will be favorable days for introspection and analysis of your personal motives and desires.
During this transit, your relationships with other people can be very productive, especially when it comes to resolving conflicts or uncovering secrets, intrigues. You will have the opportunity to intuitively understand complex situations in your life and to deepen relationships that are important to you.
In March, the first month of spring, your communication with other people will be difficult, as in most cases you will be burdened with many responsibilities and tasks. You yourself will hardly find enough time for a full-fledged rest.
It will be important this month to try to better control your emotions and avoid conflict situations.
In March, your love relationships will develop well, partly due to the fact that some good news will have a very good effect on your own mood. This will also have a positive effect on your relationship with the person next to you.
In March, you will be unpleasantly surprised by news related to a woman and her passage to the Beyond.
In this month, some of the pleasant news will be related to future motherhood or the birth of a child.
Young parents will be fascinated by the first appearances of their heirs, the skills or talents they display.
March will be a favorable month for making important decisions related to changes in your life that will take place this year.
March will be an interesting, successful and productive month for the education and career of boys and girls who will be able to achieve a lot, start a new job, be successful in various presentations, job interviews or public appearances.
This month you will commit to an important event, promise, or help that will involve a classmate, friend, or peer. During this month, you will have the opportunity to realize a greater part of your plans and desires, which will be mainly due to your own efforts and ambition. Interesting experiences, meetings, conversations and changes are coming in your family.
Men will engage in a variety of tasks important to other family members, such as: children, nephews, cousins, etc. Interesting experiences are ahead that will leave special memories in your life.
Women will have the opportunity to make a useful or interesting trip, which in most cases will require a good organization of the budget for its implementation.
Creating and developing new friendships will be part of your personal development.
You are about to learn new things that will have a strong impact on your lifestyle.