Scorpio Weekly Horoscope 29 July - 4 August, 2024

During the week of July 29 - August 4, a friendship or your common actions with friends related to a cause will have great influence or importance in your weekly affairs.
During this period, you will have an expectation of receiving one amount of money, while in reality you will receive something different. This situation is unlikely to imply a dispute or conflict, as it will result from the occurrence of unexpected circumstances.
During these seven days, beware of disappointments that may arise due to your unrealistic or hasty expectations.
You will experience a joyful event related to a person, most likely from your circle of relatives.
This week may bring you success in the development of a new venture or change.
However, this will be an unfavorable period for judicial or legal engagements. Postponement, delay or other development unfavorable to you is possible.
During these seven days, you will watch with curiosity and patience the attempts to trick a person who is related to your family. You are aware of her/his lies and their hypocrisy, but for now, for various reasons, you will refrain from retaliating.
At the end of the week, you may consider that you have had a productive time, as you will have taken advantage of the opportunities to realize a greater part of your plans and expectations.
In general, during the week you will have a cheerful and optimistic mood (or at least you will strive to maintain one). You will have interesting or special experiences with people who live near you.
Boys and girls will be rather passive, patient and waiting for the development of important events. During this week, you will not be in a hurry with decisions and changes, and when they arise, they will be well thought out by you. This week will be interesting for your love life, especially if you are looking for a serious romantic relationship. My advice is don't rush to judge any new acquaintance just by the person's appearance or some other factors that don't meet your expectations. Give this acquaintance time to develop and you to get to know the person better before making a final decision.
Let men be more careful in settling commodity or property relations, where they may show dishonesty towards you or mislead you into something that you will discover much later. This will be a favorable time for commitments and for realizing plans related to your own child or for work and activities related to children. You will have a good time to make some important decisions related to the future education, professional development or development of your own child or a young person in your family.
Women will have more dynamic communication with friends and acquaintances from different cities and countries. You will make many acquaintances, some of which will be romantic, others on a professional basis or on the basis of common interests and hobbies. The health of a woman in your circle of relatives will create worries or require care for a period of time. Treatment in a hospital or a special type of therapy is not excluded. During this week, a gathering will occur or you will experience an important event related to the personal life of a member of your family.
Some of you will have to take more serious care of your health, which will be unstable this week.

Scorpio Weekly Horoscope 22 - 28 July, 2024

During the week of July 22 - 28, you will have to spend unexpectedly more money on things that at this stage you think are important for your children or your family.
During this week, every problem will definitely have its natural resolution. Avoid straining yourself emotionally. Avoid conflicts and arguments, because they will be a waste of energy, strength and, above all, time. Mentally, you may also find yourself very exhausted before the end of the week. ORDER YOUR PERSONAL HOROSCOPE FROM NADIA
During this week, the need for an unexpected trip may arise. It will be related to your personal commitments or to your relative. In general, you have an interesting and dynamic week of communication with relatives and friends near and far.
During these seven days, you will experience pleasant surprises related to people who live or work in another settlement.
You may expect a visit to your home by friends or special guests. There doesn't necessarily have to be a specific reason for this.
During the week, close people will share with you various news or events from their lives, which will be the topic of lively conversations with them.
During these seven days, you will follow with interest events related to your colleagues, like-minded people, classmates or neighbors.
An unpleasant news related to thoughtless actions or mistakes of your friends or relatives will burden you emotionally.
Overall, however, this could be a favorable week for you to start various new ventures. You will achieve important successes with those for which you have done some preliminary preparation.
During this week, beware of loss or theft of personal belongings.
The boys and girls will go through a week filled with various pleasant engagements, meetings or gatherings, including with people who generally live, study or work in other settlements. You will have enough occasions for joy and pleasant experiences, but do not waste your time only with such entertainments. Find enough time to do some useful work around your home or one that is important to your education or career. During this week, you will learn about a theft or loss in the life of a loved one, friend or neighbor.
Men will expect to see real results from their actions that they have been engaged in for the past few weeks. Any news or information this week will be important to you and your future plans. It is possible to receive a document that will open up new opportunities for you or achieve success that will take you to a new level in your work. A very strong period, but don't take it as a gift or a given, but put energy and ambition into using every chance you get.
Women can use this week to travel together with a close woman or girlfriend. The trip does not have to be a long distance and it can be related to some nice place in the nearby surroundings of the city where you live. During this week, you may have a commitment or sympathize with an important event in the life of a girl or young woman from your close environment. NADIA'S MONTHLY HOROSCOPES: AUGUST, SEPTEMBER AND OCTOBER