Scorpio Monthly Horoscopes August and September 2024

Monthly Horoscopes August and September 2024 which include monthly forecast + weekly horoscopes for the entire month can be purchased through  PAY PAL online shop The price of each one horoscope is 4.00 euro and paypal email is: [email protected] Please leave a note with horoscope name and zodiac sign to [email protected] 

Scorpio Monthly Horoscope July 2024. Scorpio Horoscope

If you were born under the sign of Scorpio, this month makes July a time of love, caring for your loved ones, giving support and receiving healing. Focusing on the things of your home life will give you security and peace of mind. This month does not exclude the creation of new family traditions. Spending more time with loved ones and focusing on family needs will be important goals for you.
This month will confront you with various new troubles, the purpose of which is to give you a new life experience. Most of these troubles or complicated situations will involve children or people younger than you. You may have various conflicts with them, get involved with their health, personal or professional problems, etc.
Professionally, July brings you luck and achieving results that will make you proud of yourself or give you new opportunities for development and progress. This will be a favorable month for starting a new career, a new business, developing a new activity, starting a new job, etc. ORDER YOUR PERSONAL HOROSCOPE FROM NADIA
The first half of July will be a valuable time for you and for the realization of your plans. You will have much more resources and energy to achieve the successes you desire.
The health ailments that will arise during this period will pass quickly and you will have the opportunity to recover quickly.
There may be tension or some kind of problems in your relationships with people with whom you have professional or business contacts.
Sometimes the greater tension will cause unpleasant conflicts or arguments between you and other people, which will take time to resolve. Unpredictable, however, will be those conflicts that will arise due to lies, fraud, improper or malicious actions.
Your new acquaintances this month will be well selected, as your goal will not be to expand your circle of friends and acquaintances at any cost, but the quality of the relationships you will create.
Various surprises and unexpected events will occur this month. Interestingly, in July they will have some connection with your financial affairs and interests and will definitely have a favorable influence on them.
The reasons for joy or pleasant experiences in July will be related to various meetings and gatherings that you will organize or that you will be invited to attend. Unexpected meetings or emotional ones are not excluded.
In July, not everything will go smoothly and there will be situations or experiences that will initially be perceived negatively by you, such as a kind of theft or failure of an idea or plan. During this month, you may learn about unpleasant events in the past that had some negative impact on your life.
Those of you who will lose any item, document or other personal information during this month will hardly be able to find or recover the corresponding loss.
In July, you have several important decisions ahead of you, which will actually more clearly define your development in the last six months of the year.
Those of you who will be involved in a court or legal case will intuitively know in what direction it will develop.
Boys and girls will have more time and more desire for love and intimate experiences. Many more resources will be spent by those of you who are not in a serious relationship and who are looking for one. This month will surprise some of you with an unexpected acquaintance, unexpected love or attraction at first sight, a blind date or dating through an agency. In moments of fatigue and depression, it will be good to engage quickly in pleasant activities or ensure more frequent contact with nature, where you will rest the fastest and best.
Scorpio men will have important commitments and affairs related to various documents mainly related to money, payments, investments, insurance, rents and others. In your family, you will be able to enjoy some improvements, changes in purchases related to home comforts, and for some of you, July brings important or expensive acquisitions, such as a new car or a new home. In July, many will be invited to various family gatherings, for which you will have to prepare with a special gift. An experience with your friends or a person from your circle of friends will leave a very strong memory this month. It can be related to a meeting after many years of separation due to development in different areas, living in different cities or countries, etc.
July also brings the beginning of a new friendship, which is yet to play an important role in your life.
Travels this month will be mainly related to your family, with relatives from near and far, or you yourself will welcome guests to your home.
Women will have the opportunity to increase their income through the main work they are engaged in or by starting a new activity, a new business.
During this month, you will have to avoid any risky actions, getting into extreme situations, or gathering with unknown people.July also brings an important experience or gathering related to someone from your circle of relatives or friends.