Scorpio Monthly Horoscopes October and November 2024

Monthly Horoscopes October and November 2024 which include monthly forecast + weekly horoscopes for the entire month can be purchased through  PAY PAL online shop ETSY. The price of each one horoscope is 4.00 euro and paypal email is: [email protected] Please leave a note with horoscope name and zodiac sign to [email protected] 

Scorpio Monthly Horoscope Scorpio 2024

Welcome, Autumn!

From August 29 to September 1, 2024
Special Offer: Annual Horoscope for 1 year + lunar horoscope for 1 month - Price Euro 80.
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If you were born under the sign of Scorpio, Uranus retrograde from September 1 to January 30, 2025 can have a significant impact on people of your zodiac sign. When Uranus is stationary, people prone to intensity and open to change can experience unprecedented challenges and opportunities for personal development. During this period, you can expect the occurrence of surprising events and unique opportunities that will change your life. In other words, Uranus retrograde can bring unexpected changes and surprises in your life. It is important to be prepared for possible crises and to adapt quickly to the changes that occur. This can be a period of rethinking your values and goals in life, and Destiny directing you to new ventures and opportunities for development.
In September, various reasons will impose greater or unexpected expenses for children or relatives. It is possible to set aside some amount of money for the realization of your future plan or as savings.
During this month, many of you will have the opportunity to enjoy an unexpected gift.
An item that you lost or damaged some time ago, this month you will have the opportunity to recover it with a new purchase.
During this month, protect your personal correspondence from unwanted access by other people, so that there are no unpleasant surprises or confusing situations.
This month can be remembered with an important event related to a person from your circle of relatives or friends.
You will receive unpleasant news related to an incident or accident with a person whose development will interest you.
During this month, you will make new acquaintances and contacts with people with whom you have yet to discover that you have common interests or acquaintances. New neighbors or new people in the place where you live will be a reason to talk or meet them.
This month, expect a variety of surprises from friends near and far.
This will be a favorable month for additional income from work or business. It is entirely possible that you will experience a change in your job or be offered one.
Boys and girls will have different unexpected experiences, but they themselves will organize different surprises for their friends or relatives. Those of you who are already working will have high hopes for improving your income from salary or sales. You will be encouraged by a favorable news, the development of which is ahead.
Men will have to carefully consider their upcoming actions related to life changes that they intend to undertake in the remaining months of the year. You will probably make various contacts or meetings in this regard this month.
In September, it will be important not to have any preconceived notions about the development of plans or events. Act and work with a sense of harmony within yourself that you really want or like what you are doing. Ahead of you is a success for which life is gradually preparing you. Getting there will be slow, hard, but sure. A matter of faith, patience and ambition. Most events of a financial nature in September will develop favorably for you. When necessary, be more patient or more proactive, but not pushy.
In September, women will have more work, which will largely be routine and tedious. New colleagues or clients will bring revival to your work. During this month, you will experience an event in the life of a colleague that will be associated with some life drama or trial.
It is possible to learn about the health problems of a person with whom you have frequent contact. Pleasant travels will be had for those of you who have planned one in September. In the first half of the month, concerns or some commitment related to the health of a loved one may arise.


Scorpio Monthly Horoscope August

If you were born under the sign of Scorpio, this month you will show that you can be very ambitious when you want to be. During this month, you will have the opportunity to realize the most goals and achieve the greatest possible success.
August is a month of changes, which will mainly be in place of residence, place of work or will be related to your family status, with people in your family.
This will be a favorable month for those of you who want to move to live or work in another city or country. ORDER YOUR LUNAR HOROSCOPE FROM NADIA
Many will have the opportunity to change jobs, start a new degree or start a new business.
There will be a variety of surprises in August, but pay special attention when dealing with financial documents. It is possible to delude yourself in your expectations. If you are applying for a loan, make sure you understand the repayment terms correctly. If you conclude a new employment contract, pay attention not only to the salary, but also to other conditions.
During this month, be careful in your financial actions with relatives, such as a brother or sister, cousins, uncle or aunt, etc. It is possible that such people have financial difficulties or experience some kind of loss. You will be sad because your ability to help will be limited.
During this month, a change related to people in your family is possible. It is possible that a person from your home will return after a stay abroad, barracks, travel, etc.
During this month, various worries or worries related to a child will be experienced.
Your love life will also be unstable with alternating good and bad periods. When it's hard for you, you'll tend to reinforce the tragedy of the swaddling. When you are happy you will think that your happiness will be short. Correct such thoughts and attitudes in time.
August can bring success and satisfaction in your work or business. Your bad periods there will be related to conflicts or conflicting personalities if you allow such events to occur.
Otherwise, you risk changing your job just because you lack enough control over your own emotions and moods.
If you have business interests related to foreigners or companies from other countries, keep all kinds of documentation under control. Difficulties may arise for those of you who are involved in the import or export of various goods or services.
In general, August will favor relocations and changes that are your priority right now, but this does not mean being superficial and relying only on luck.
An unpleasant incident during a trip that you will witness may be the reason for being a participant in a court case, investigation, etc.
This month you will seek and find a way back to a broken friendship. You will be able to make the necessary compromise or forget the past in order to revive your friendship on the basis of already experienced life experience.
In August, many are about to part with a woman: a relative or a friend, due to various life reasons.
One of the surprises for women this month may be related to a girl, an expected or unexpected pregnancy, the birth of a child, etc.
Men will have a desire for a better paying job, a new home or another new venture that will require some investment. You will make various contacts and meetings in order to find help, like-minded people, credit.
Some unmarried representatives of the zodiac sign Scorpio will have a proposal for cohabitation or marriage, which should not be taken hastily. Feelings should not cloud your reason and interfere with your sound judgment. You may need to have some additional conversations on the subject. To consider the changes in your work or family that will occur as a result of such a decision on your part.