Sagittarius Monthly Horoscopes April and May 2025

Monthly Horoscopes April and May 2025 contains general information about each month + weeklyhoroscopes for each month
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Sagittarius Monthly Horoscope March 2025

If you were born under the sign of Sagittarius, around March 9, the transit of the Moon conjunct Mars will intensify your emotions and may challenge you to various impulsive decisions and actions. Around this date, you will be highly motivated to act on plans or ideas related to your personal desires or needs.
On the one hand, you may feel energized and ready to commit to some new endeavors, but you may also feel tension or conflicts arise in your emotional relationships.
March will be a month in which you will feel the need for the closeness and support of family and friends. These relationships will play a key role in achieving your goals and ambitions. Do not hesitate to ask for help when needed, as cooperation with others will help to achieve successful results. New opportunities for collaboration or projects may appear that will strengthen your ties with loved ones and friends. Take advantage of this period to build deeper and more meaningful relationships with them.
It is possible, with the assistance or advice of other people, to start a new job or business, or to implement another important change in your home.
In March, unexpected short confrontations will occur with people from your home or from your circle of relatives and friends. Such situations will develop under the visible influence of various comments or intrigues on the part of other people.
During this month, you will experience pleasant emotions related to receiving money.
For many of you, better income opportunities will arise or you will receive a higher salary. Favorable financial influences will also be felt by those of you who have your own or family business.
During these three months, problems will arise with the health of a person from your circle of relatives, friends or colleagues.
In March, you will plan and implement an important purchase or change in your home. The good thing is that you will have support from the people you live with or who will possibly financially help you buy it.
Some of you will be happy to receive a gift from friends or relatives.
Unfortunately, it is likely that at the beginning of this season you will be saddened by unpleasant news related to a person you know.
A social or political event in the country where you live can also affect your life or your plans in some way.
March will be an important month for you, as you will have the opportunity to realize almost all your plans and expectations.
Boys and girls will be excited about developing their romantic relationship, which can very often be with a partner outside of your locality. During this month, you may plan or implement such a meeting. In general, March will favor trips of a different nature.
Men will have to take their professional and business duties very seriously and responsibly. You have a lot of responsible tasks ahead of you and almost no time to waste. This month you will also make some bold plans for your future related to changes in career, business, new home or place of residence.
Women will be more inclined to think about their decisions or changes than to act. You will be unsure if this is the right time for such actions. Consulting an astrologer can be a good decision, but also rely on your own intuition. During this period, you will have the opportunity to improve your income through a new professional contract or profit from some investment.