Capricorn Monthly Horoscope March 2025
If you were born under the sign of Capricorn, the transit of the Moon in opposition to Pluto will bring you strong emotions and deep psychological changes. This transit can bring conflict and tension to your relationship around March 11.
You may be confronted with your hidden fears or secrets that may come to the surface, requiring work on clearing or healing them.
In general, the month of March brings surprises related to various news or events.
Some of you will rejoice at the birth of a child, a grandchild or a child in the circle of relatives and friends. Children will definitely be the reason for a variety of holidays at the beginning of the spring season.
This month you will invest money in a major purchase or prepare financial documents, credit for a future one.
You will have interesting conversations related to future investments, business or other important matters.
In March, you will experience an emotional personal drama in the life of a person from your circle of friends, colleagues or neighbors. It is possible to lose such a person or break up due to various life reasons.
In March, many will find out about the improper actions of someone they thought was a friend, which will cause (or have already caused) some kind of loss or separation.
This month will not be one of your most successful months for travel or if you are planning one, you will encounter various difficulties, delays
or obstacles. You may be lied to or misled by false information that you will receive from a person or institution.
On a personal level, this month can give you various new opportunities that will be in line with the reality around you. You may
glad to develop an already established relationship, to start a new one, etc. What you will experience in love this month will be
base for developing your relationships throughout the year.
During this month, you may receive financial or moral help from a person you know or some institution.
Boys and girls will expect and watch carefully the development of troubles that have arisen since the beginning of the year.
They may be personal to you, but they may affect your entire family. In fact, it would be best to wait for theirs
development without taking a leading role in their resolution. You are likely to learn details about a theft or type of loss in the past.
Men may engage in some activity or task related to another man that will bring unexpected success or
satisfaction. Men over the age of 35 will definitely be able to remember this month with some fateful experiences and events.
Actions or words of an already grown child will require attention.
Women will need more attention and love. If this is missing in your life, you will find a way to get it one at a time
another way. Some of you will have concerns or commitments related to property outside your primary residence.