Taurus Weekly Horoscope 29 July - 4 August, 2024

During the week of July 29 - August 4, it would be good to put more emotion and effort into the implementation of specific tasks related to close people.
During the week you will expect to find a solution or organize an event related to your partner, parents or children.
During the week, many will remain dissatisfied with a trip or with the development of their relations with people from another settlement.
During these days, there is a possibility of a conflict with a person from your home, which will have an unpleasant development, as it will provoke memories of your past mistakes or transgressions.
At work, it will be important to stabilize and develop your relationships with your colleagues or clients.
During this week, avoid heavy physical or mental exertion.
During the week, there is a possibility of a meeting or conversation with a woman who may be older than you or in a higher social position.
Many will have to make a decision that will affect your income or savings.
Boys and girls will try to think more rationally and with a forward-looking view of their financial stability, the possibilities of working a well-paid job regardless of their age. It is good to know that your opportunities will not be very great, and try to accept reality as it is, without missing even the small chances to secure some income.
Men will also be very interested in their current or future professional position or realization. Your work will be important to you and you will put a lot of energy into stabilizing your position, or looking for a better job, but without leaving the one you are currently engaged with. A very strong influence this week on your decisions or assistance in achieving important achievements will be from a woman who will have some power or is in a good position.
Women will be divided between the responsibilities they will have in the home and in their family, and those related to work or business. There is nothing unusual about this, but this week the load you will carry will be much greater, and the tension will affect you in one way or another. The good thing is that you will still be able to handle your tasks, most likely with the help of other people. This does not matter, but the results achieved.

Taurus Weekly Horoscope 22 - 28 July, 2024

During the week of July 22 - 28, you will have various commitments related to people, companies or institutions from different distances. They may concern your financial interests or require spending money. ORDER YOUR PERSONAL HOROSCOPE FROM NADIA
The week will favor travel, which will be an occasion for pleasant experiences, for relaxation and entertainment.
During the week you will have common business related to travel or with someone who lives in another city or country.
This week will be complicated for the love relationships of those of you who may rashly or hastily decide to break up with your current partner.
This topic is too individual to be put under a common denominator, but in general it is good to be careful with such decisions. Once you take such a step, going back will be almost impossible.
It is possible that an old romantic relationship with such a partner will remind of itself, but this will rather be through some news about your ex-partner or during an unexpected meeting.
During the week, you will have one appointment for which you will have a prior appointment.
Boys and girls will go through a turbulent time in which difficult situations in life will mostly be the result of their mistakes or rash actions. Some of you will have to pay a greater price for your emotional decisions, but this will be an important life lesson. This week you will have interesting messages or correspondence with someone you are with or about to become romantically involved with.
Men will be happy with some acquisition this week, which may be important for them personally, for their family or work. More household and property tasks await you this week, but their successful completion will give you satisfaction and pride in the skills you possess. This week you will have a personal or special engagement with a woman who may be your relative, but may be a person from your circle of friends, colleagues or neighbors. Be very careful this week and try to distinguish very clearly reality from illusions or false hopes. Do not allow yourself to be drawn into comments related to gossip or intrigue, in which there is no place for you.
Women will be surprised by various news, meetings or events. An unexpected need to travel may arise. Conversations with people from near and far can surprise you. During this week, try to preserve what you have achieved, both materially and financially, as well as emotionally and spiritually. During these seven days you will be the pivot in your home and family, and accept this role with all its responsibility.