Taurus Weekly Horoscope 17 - 23 February, 2025




If you were born under the sign of Taurus, during the week, you will have to deal with a serious problem that will require you to show tact and diplomacy in its resolution. You will have a more optimistic or different view of the situation and therefore it will be important to calm the atmosphere in your home, as this problem will most likely affect your family.
This week you will receive unexpected news, an invitation to a meeting or a trip from friends. In general, your contacts with friends this week will be very emotional, related to various events or news.
During the week you may be manipulated or harmed in some way by a young person or child.
The week heralds a joyful occasion for a gathering or joy related to your personal life.
Don't turn down an invitation during the week, whether you're in the mood for a get-together or an outing.
Boys and girls will experience emotional problems caused by their own temperament and impatience.
Avoid interfering in resolving troubles in the lives of friends. Before making such a decision, carefully consider your options to create additional problems for us.
Men will mentally make bold plans for their future. There is a danger of overestimating your strengths or not seeing realistically whether these plans are really achievable. Your health will be unstable, so be careful.
During this week it will be good for you to spend more time at home engaged in pleasant activities.
Women will remember the week with an important event with a loved one. People from the past will seek you out on various occasions.
During this week, you will tend to spend more time on your appearance, with visits to various beauty salons, new clothing stores, etc.
During these seven days, you will be pleased with a gift or gesture of attention from people who live outside your home.


Taurus Weekly Horoscope 10 - 16 February, 2025




If you were born under the sign of Taurus, during the week of February 10 - 16, 2025, you will have a conversation or need more information about actions by which someone has defamed you in some way in front of other people. Of course, there may not have been any bad intentions in these actions, but it is good to clear up this situation so that there are no misunderstandings or bad feelings.
The week will be favorable for travel, especially if its purpose is related to engagements with relatives from near and far. Some of you may be traveling for an engagement, wedding or other important gathering.
Favorable development during the week will have romantic contacts with a partner from another settlement.
During this week, there will be a favorable development in the treatment of your relative or friend.
You will be able to help with reasonable or practical advice in resolving a complex situation in the life of a person you know.
In your work, avoid tension or arguments with colleagues or with clients who have an intransigent character or greater stubbornness.
During the week, expect small incomes in your family budget, which may come thanks to a member of your family.
Boys and girls will have to very seriously control their impatience and intransigence in situations that can develop into a serious conflict.
During these seven days, you will plan an important meeting, which in some cases may involve someone in whom you have a romantic or business interest.
This week brings unexpected events related to career or business for men. Of course, they will be individual and will please some of you, but others may be disappointed or experience loss. It all depends on your personal horoscope as well.
The week will favor the development of your financial affairs, but do not be imprudent and think carefully about any risky actions of a financial nature.
For women who plan to travel during the week, let them be careful and take into account the weather conditions, transport and everything that depends on the sense of the respective trip.
If you are involved in a lawsuit, the week will require consideration of your strategy and an adjustment that may accelerate or improve your position.
Conflicts are undesirable because there are good things that the week has prepared for you. Enjoy them, and don't spoil your mood with things that may not matter to you tomorrow.


Taurus Weekly Horoscope 3 - 9 February, 2025


If you were born under the sign of Taurus, during the week of 3 - 9 February, 2025, be careful when planning your money-related tasks and commitments. During this week, do not make or ask for promises related to money, even if it concerns your relatives or friends.
This week may cause unexpected changes in your home. They may concern moving or buying new furniture, changing the interior, buying new things or appliances for the home and others.
During the week, a gift may surprise you or you will find a lost or forgotten item somewhere.
During this week, you will receive news related to pregnancy or the birth of a child. This news may surprise you, as you had no prior information about such an event.
If you are the parents of an already grown child, during the week you may be pleased with news related to his success or appearance.
During this week, you will be disturbed by a health problem of a person you know, whose development will be problematic.
Boys and girls will be excited about the various news they are about to receive during the week. Some of them will create worry, anxiety, uncertainty and even fear about the future. Some of you will rejoice in the small gifts or benefits that you will secure during these seven days in one way or another.
During this week, men may receive an offer or an opportunity to purchase something in which they have a serious interest. Events related to the sale of items or property that you own are possible.
Materially, this week will favor various actions from which you expect benefit or success.
During this week, many will be happy about money or a document that will come through some institution or representative of a company, organization, etc.
During these seven days, women will have concerns related to their own child, his education, health or personal life.
You may remember the week with an experience that will have a connection with someone in your circle of friends.
During this week you will be surprised by a conversation or an offer you will receive from a person outside your home.