Cancer Season Horoscope Winter

Horoscopes Winter 2024 and Spring 2025 contains general information about this season + monthly horoscopes for each season

The price of 1 horoscope is 3.00 euro

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Cancer Season Horoscope Autumn

If you were born under the sign of Cancer, autumn brings you many new opportunities and interesting experiences in their realization. In most cases, they will be related to your family or your relatives and will concern not only your family relationships, but also the general activities with which you are bound.
In the fall, some of your priorities will be related to property or properties you own. It is possible to engage in some repairs or construction activities, with documents, contracts, etc.
The transit of the Sun square to Mars in mid-October can affect people of the zodiac sign Cancer, pushing them into conflicts and creating a greater tension in your daily life. Cancers may feel more irritable and aggressive during this transit. They may have difficulty relating to other people, feel left out or feel frustrated for various reasons.
To deal with these challenges, Cancers will have to strive for more diplomatic behavior, express their feelings and needs more clearly, and seek compromises in their relationships. It is important to aim for constructive conflict resolution and avoid any kind of offensiveness or aggression. During this period, it can be helpful to seek support from those close to you or turn to your professional mentor/therapist for help and guidance.
During this season, concerns will sometimes arise regarding some urgent tasks concerning property that you or your family own or rent.
In autumn, you will find yourself in situations where you will have to make various important decisions, and they will not always be easy or pleasant for you. This is especially true if they are somehow related to money.
Autumn will be an unfavorable time to engage in court or legal matters.
During this season, you will be looking for new ways to solve old problems and troubles, especially if they are somehow related to a person in your family or circle of colleagues.
Boys and girls should avoid trouble and conflict at all costs, as their development will not be in your favor.
During this season you will have occasion for some joy or satisfaction, in most cases related to events in the life of a child or a young person in the family.
During this season you will have various meetings or gatherings on more pleasant occasions with relatives, with friends or for some socio-political purpose. You will have new interesting acquaintances with a variety of people, some of whom will yet play an important role in your life.
In the fall, you will follow or be involved in some way with the journey of a person from home or in your family. It can occur unexpectedly or have an unexpected development.
During this season, women will change their plans for their future, replacing old ones with new ones that you expect will work better in light of the new circumstances in which you have to live. In fact, this will be a period of time in which you will dynamically change your priorities and even commitments.
In the fall, all your actions related to documents or contracts that are somehow related to money will require attention. There is a danger that you will miss some clause, or look lightly at some obligation.
In love, some new moments will arise in your relationship. Some of you are about to make a new acquaintance or a new development of an already established relationship.
During this season, men will learn some important things belatedly, which may concern people with whom they have some contacts, or news related to world or political events.
Unfortunately, this season will also be remembered by unpleasant news related to the end of the life path of a person you know.

Horoscopes Winter 2024 contains general information about the season.  The price of each horoscope is 3.00 euro and you can make a direct transfer via PAY PAL  or ETSY

Please send email to [email protected] for which season and zodiac sign is your payment