Taurus Monthly Horoscopes December and January 2025

Horoscopes December 2024 and January 2025 which include monthly forecast + weekly horoscopes for each month can be purchased through  PAY PAL or ETSY. The price of each one horoscope is 4.00 euro and paypal email is: [email protected] Please leave a note with horoscope name and zodiac sign to [email protected] 

Taurus Monthly Horoscope November 2024

If you were born under the sign of Taurus, in November there is a high probability of an argument, conflict or tension of a financial nature related to a relative or another close person. In some cases, this situation may have to do with a financial or banking document, some agreement between you, etc.
In this month it will be good for you to avoid financial relations with unknown people. If such a need does arise, be careful in the details.
In November, you will be much more emotional in your thoughts about a child or young people who are at a distance from you for various reasons.
During this month, you will tend to return more often to past memories and reflect philosophically on the life around you, on the experience you have gained through trials already experienced.
November is very likely to please you with some acquisition or a gift from a loved one, friend, admirer, etc.
You will have very pleasant relationships or ventures with people with whom you have long established relationships based on common interests, a cause.
During this month, an unpleasant situation will separate you from a person who was in your circle of friends. You will probably see the other side of his or her character that will make you realize that this person can no longer be your friend.
For boys and girls, November will require attention and health care, as it is possible that an unexpected health ailment or an unexpected need for a doctor's consultation, hospital treatment, etc. may occur.
For most of the month, your mood will be fluctuating, unstable, which will not please even you.
Men will have to spend money on solving domestic problems, or preparing the dwelling in which you will live/or use during the winter season.
You may be successful in selling some property if you are engaged in such a task this month.
This month will favor actions related to the transfer of property, obtaining rights to it and other actions of a material-property nature.
Women will have a favorable month for travel and for developing their important personal or professional relationships with people from different distances.
During this month, you may be visited by someone who will arrive from another populated place.
Various concerns or commitments are possible related to property that is outside the city in which you live or that belongs to your relatives.