Taurus Monthly Horoscopes April and May 2025

Taurus Monthly Horoscopes April and May 2025 contains general information about each month + weeklyhoroscopes for each month
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Taurus Monthly Horoscope March 2025

If you were born under the sign of Taurus, during the first days of March the aspect of the Sun square with Jupiter advises you to guard yourself like a devil of incense from manifestations of arrogance, pride and selfishness. Seeing only your point of view and not being diplomatic can cause you problems in work and business. Discomforts related to the activity of your cardiovascular system are possible.
In March, you will have to spend more time and financial resources to solve your personal and family household or property problems.
Unexpected commitments and concerns may arise related to repairs or property you use.
During this month, you will be excited about the professional realization of a person from your circle of relatives who may study or work in another city or country.
In general, in March you will mostly have contacts with people younger than you. Some of these contacts will concern your current job or a project you are involved with.
This month you will be upset by unpleasant news related to a health problem in the life of a person you know. There is a possibility of unfavorable development or long treatment, special therapy, surgery.
Financially, you will have good income. Opportunities for new ones will probably arise, which will depend on your personal ambition and activity.
Your expenses will be high, so plan your budget well.
Protect your personal belongings in a public place from being forgotten or lost.
In general, the development of your affairs in March will be according to your expectations. No big surprises are expected in things where you and your entire family have invested strength, energy, time and resources.
It is likely that your domestic affairs will have a better development than your professional ones.
Various changes are possible in your home that will create pleasant emotions in your family.
For boys and girls, this month will be remembered for an important event in the life of a person from your circle of relatives or close friends. This will not be your most carefree month. On the contrary, you will experience some complicated moments related to the emergence of new circumstances in a social and political plan, with your mistake, hasty actions, unsuccessful new acquaintances. Many will now suffer some loss as a result of someone's insincerity or lying.
Men will create new acquaintances and contacts, which will prove very important in the future. Meetings this month may favorably affect your important relationships or social activities related to some noble or political cause. This month you will have your personal hopes related to a child or other young people around you.
Women will be more active in the development of affairs and commitments from which they expect some benefit or provision of additional income. Many will be waiting for an event related to the birth of a child or another important change related to a child, a young relative. In this month, you will be pleased with news related to a person who will try to do something in your favor or for your good.