Taurus Monthly Horoscopes for August, September and October 2024

Monthly Horoscopes August, September and October, 2024 which include monthly forecast + weekly horoscopes for the entire month can be purchased through  PAY PAL online shop The price of each one horoscope is 4.00 euro and paypal email is: [email protected] Please leave a note with horoscope name and zodiac sign to [email protected] 

Taurus Monthly Horoscope July 2024. Taurus Horoscope

If you were born under the sign of Taurus, this month it will be important for you to achieve, maintain or ensure comfort in your home or in your relationships with people you live with. If in these things you have problems that have already arisen, then seek their resolution sefam because otherwise, these problems or unpleasant situations will haunt you until the end of this year. Do not wait for this to happen, it is not desirable! If you and your partner have been too busy to hang out together, you need to take some time to refresh your relationship or spend more time alone.
The month of July brings various new circumstances and events in your life. During this month, you will have the opportunity and desire to look at things in more detail before making a decision to commit to something. You will intuitively feel that you are not in the best period of the year, and hasty actions of any nature can only cause you problems, inconveniences and even losses.
Lucky will be those of you who act wisely and practically, and avoid rash and emotional actions, especially when related to contracts, money or important relationships.
A positive, but perhaps not so bright role in your life this month will be played by people with whom you have professional, public or political relations.
July will be a particularly important month for your work, education or business, where new people will appear in your environment. You can learn a lot from them, but you may also have to guard against being too trusting, and don't rush to reveal yourself to them.
In July, you will have specific plans or expectations related to your family or close relatives. In what direction and how favorably for you they will develop will be individual, since very few things will depend solely on you.
In July, you will have the opportunity to rejoice at the completion of some repair, home reform, replacement of items or furniture, purchase of new ones or another expensive item.
This month will definitely not be an unremarkable or insignificant month in your life. Those of you who are taught to live and act in an organized manner and in accordance with resources and circumstances will be able to remember this time with many important results and achievements.
During this month, unexpected chances may arise in the life of almost all of you, but not everyone will be ready to feel them, realize them and generally take advantage of them.
In July, you will have to experience or witness a stressful situation or incident that will happen at some distance from you. This event probably won't affect you directly, but it will have a very strong emotional impact on you for a day or two or more.
During this month, do not be lazy or careless with your personal belongings, as someone may take advantage of your distraction and take away something that is valuable to you.
This month, you will seek more information in resolving an unpleasant or delicate situation before deciding how to approach its resolution.
There may be document or contract issues where a delay, inadvertent error, etc. may occur.
Boys and girls will be directed to a promising activity in terms of their sources of income, whether it comes from work or from another activity. This month will mark a new line of behavior and development in your love relationship. There will also be a change in the behavior of those of you who have been looking for your mate in the real or virtual world for a long time. Financially, July does not portend major problems or difficulties, but you yourself understand that everything will depend on the individual actions and decisions of each representative of this zodiac sign. During this month, many will be engaged in a memorial or memorial service for a person who is in the Hereafter.
During this month, men will travel to visit somewhere, meet someone, or you will welcome guests to your home from another settlement.
Those of you who are engaged in a court or legal case should very carefully evaluate your actions, who you rely on for help or support in achieving the desired success. Those of you who are going through any health ailments will do well to seek the advice of more than one doctor before committing to a serious treatment.
For women, conflicts this month will not bring anything positive in life, except insult, bitterness or sadness.