Leo Weekly Horoscope 22 - 28 April, 2024

During the week of April 22 - 28, you will have a favorable time for the development of your love life under the circumstances in which you currently find yourself.
This means that you have to be realistic, not to demand more from your partner than what he can give you, and you yourself not to offer more than possible.
This will be a favorable week for developing personal and love relationships with a partner who lives at some distance from you.
During the week, you will not lack occasions for contradictions or verbal clashes with people who have a different opinion than yours.
Love relationships with people with whom you have a greater age difference can go through manifestations of jealousy or disrespect for the partner's opinion and desire.
During this week, an important basis for your stability and confidence in the future will be the influence of your friends who have a more optimistic view of events in the country and in the world.
Avoid getting carried away by various conspiracy theories because they will not help you at this time.
The week will favor trips related to the care of property that you or your family owns.
It is possible to send a gift or virtual greetings on various occasions to people from your circle of friends, relatives, neighbors or like-minded people.
Boys and girls will pass this week with more optimism, will and energy to realize what is important to you in this period. You will tend to listen to the advice of others, accept their help, and you will especially be flattered by the overt support of people around you. You are about to experience an important event in your home related to a personal celebration or something else that is special for your relative.
Men will have different experiences with a girl or with a woman, most likely from the close circle of relatives, who is going through a special period in her life. At this moment, she will most likely need a person next to her who understands and supports her. It is possible that the actions of your loved one disappoint you or you think that it is going in the wrong direction in its development, but there is a possibility that you yourself are wrong in your own judgment. The week brings a lot of love emotions for men, especially for those who are not married.
Women will experience several interesting meetings or gatherings, with or without occasion, with known or unknown people. It is possible to meet someone with whom you have unpleasant experiences in your past that are neither forgotten nor forgiven. It is possible that during this meeting you will say a few harsh and offensive words. It will be very important what level you maintain in your communication during these seven days. You may rise above the simplicities of life, but you may sink to its level.


Leo Weekly Horoscope 15 - 21 April, 2024

During the week of April 15 - 21, you are about to experience unexpected or unpleasant events at work or in your business.
They can be related to a woman from your workplace or one who is a client of yours.
There will be more uncertainty and instability in the work of those of you who are taking the first steps in a new workplace.
During this week, you will worry and watch with concern the development of a serious problem in a woman's life.
It can be related to her health, problems in her work or personal life.
Tensions will be higher this week, having an unpleasant effect on your mood or creating anxiety about the future.
An unexpected news or event will restore your optimism and hope that what you are experiencing at the moment will be temporary and better times will soon come.
In a conflict, you will understand things that were unclear or secret to you until now, or you will derive some other benefit from this situation.
During this week, you will much more seriously consider your family affairs and occasions for gatherings related to various occasions.
Some of you will seriously rethink your marriage, engagement or wedding plans or your attendance at such events.
Boys and girls will need to be prepared for a week of crises or complications, both in the family and at school/work, in friendly or collegial relationships. Sometimes it will be difficult for you to believe an unpleasant news and you will look for its confirmation, wanting to protect yourself from false information or hasty reactions. Be very careful about what you share with people outside of your family. Not everyone will enjoy your successes or appreciate your ideas properly. During the week, theft is possible not only of your personal belongings, but also of your idea or plan for the future. The good thing is that most of you will be able to sense the fake and insincere around you very quickly, but nevertheless be prepared for such situations.
Men will have occasions for small joys in their personal and family life, which will be related to receiving money, personal holidays, successes of a family member and others. A reason for joy can be the birth of a baby or success related to your already grown child. A very dynamic week in terms of communication, both in terms of phone calls and through the exchange of messages or emails, including through social networks.
Women will find it difficult to accept the stagnation or slow development of their affairs. Sometimes you may resent what you are experiencing, seeking the truth/reason for other people's decisions or actions. Taking care of property or property that you own will require much more energy and time on your part. Your expectations for this week should be very ordinary, without straining in anticipation of any special events or emotions, so that you do not have to experience disappointment.