Gemini Monthly Horoscope March and April 2025

Horoscopes March and April 2025 which includes monthly forecast + weekly horoscopes for each month can be purchased through  PAY PAL or ETSY. The price of each one horoscope is 4.00 euro and paypal email is: [email protected] Please leave a note with horoscope name and zodiac sign to [email protected] 

Gemini Monthly Horoscope February 2025



If you were born under the sign of Gemini, the transit of the Moon in conjunction with Saturn can cause emotional depression, financial difficulties or other unpleasant obligations for you in the first days of the month. The many demands that will be placed on you can be the cause of your negative emotional state. Difficult relations with women from your circle of relatives are possible.
However, in general, February can be remembered with an interesting business or business meeting, a presentation related to your work or with the occurrence of another favorable opportunity in this regard.
You are about to have a conversation or contact with people from different distances for work or business. You may get an interesting offer, information, idea, help, etc.
During this month, you will have a clash and contradictions with a person who has a difficult and unyielding character. Definitely someone who has no sympathy for you or you have competing interests and goals.
A love or intimate relationship from the past will remind you of yourself and bring you back to old memories. You may meet such a person unexpectedly or someone may share news about him/her.
You may experience a light flirtation this month, but without any serious prospect.
Pay special attention this month to your family budget and everything that will have something to do with money.
Beware of self-deception or false promises.
You will experience joy in your home related to an unexpected event or gathering. Expect guests in your home or new tenants (if you rent out the property).
During this month, problems with the health of a close person will arise, who, in turn, will show stubbornness or fear about their treatment.
For boys and girls, various events and experiences can occur in February that can cause strong emotions. You are about to experience a variety of unexpected events, some of which may bring you new opportunities for development. Be ready for new offers or chances that fate will give you this month.
Some of the men will experience a difficult emotional event related to a person from their circle of relatives or friends. It can be related to various expected or unexpected changes in their life.
If a conflict is allowed in your home this month, the reason for it will be the basis of many smaller or bigger conflicts that will arise in the following months.
Financially speaking, women will have to arrange their priorities at any cost and achieve their realization. However, nothing will happen without the help of people from your home or close relatives.
In this month, an occasion for joy or gathering can be a new beginning or success in education (work) of a person in your family.
In February, you may have a meeting with someone with whom you are about to part ways in the near future due to various events. During this month, pay more serious attention to your health ailments and problems.