Aquarius Seasons Horoscopes Spring and Summer 2025

Horoscopes Spring and Summer 2025 contains general information about this season + monthly horoscopes for each season

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Aquarius Season Horoscope Winter

If you were born under the sign of Aquarius in December, your affairs will be influenced by the presence of Venus in your sign. Aquarians are generally known for valuing their independence, originality, and social connectedness. Venus in this sign can increase your desire to communicate and connect with new people. You may be drawn to new friendships and participation in various social events. During this period, you may show interest in unusual or non-standard romantic relationships. This position of Venus can lead you to seek out unique and intellectual partnerships. This month you may find yourself in a situation where you will want to balance intimacy and independence in your romantic relationships. You may need as always :) freedom and personal space. Venus in Aquarius can inspire you to express your creativity in new and innovative ways, be it through art, fashion or personal style.
In January, even if for a short time, you may feel the influence of the transit of Mercury square with the Lunar Nodes (January 8 - 9). This transit can cause interesting dynamics in your communication and information exchange. You may face challenges in realizing your intentions. You may feel confused or have difficulty expressing your ideas. This is often a time when things related to common goals and social relationships can be confused or uncertain. If you can find balance and focus in your thoughts, you can use the energy of this transit to spark important conversations or reexamine your life goals. It is important to try to listen carefully and understand the perspectives of others, as communication can be a bit complicated and delicate.
From February 7th to 9th, the transit of the Sun sextile Chiron is a period when you may feel more open and ready to work on your personal hurts and emotional traumas. The sextile is an aspect that brings comfort and opportunities for growth and development. During this transit, the energy of the Sun related to your identity, consciousness and vitality can combine with the energies of Chiron, which symbolizes your soul's healer.
Use this influence to mend your relationships with others. You may meet people who will help you in the process of self-healing, or you yourself may become a source of inspiration and support for those around you. Take steps toward maintaining your mental and emotional health, and look for ways to connect with your feelings and needs more consciously.
In general, there will be a greater tension around you during the winter. Be prepared for any commitments, situations and meetings that will need to be met on time.
During this season, you may have positive emotions around a trip personally for you or for a loved one.
In winter, you will have much more dynamic online contacts with friends or relatives.
You will probably be excited by a happy news or a phone conversation with someone who lives near you.
During these three months, you will experience an emotional event related to a close person.
One of your major troubles may come through a lie that affects you personally in some way.
In winter, you will have specific expectations for the realization of your plan or hope related to a property or some type of property.
For those of you who will be involved in a lawsuit, things will take longer than you expected.
In winter, you will have to postpone a meeting, gathering or conversation due to new circumstances.
In your work, be careful with colleagues or with customers. Avoid making trouble for yourself.
During these three months, you will have to take care of your health or the health of a loved one. Avoid self-medication without consulting a doctor or specialist.
Boys and girls will show generosity and attention to their loved ones. You will want to give them joy driven by some emotions or strange premonitions.
Men will have good financial opportunities, but do not be in a hurry to spend money that would actually be better to save right now. Meetings or conversations that you will engage in this season will mostly be related to important events in your personal, family or social life.
It will be good for women to turn their attention to their love life, whether they are married or not. Recently, tension has built up in your life due to various reasons, which may escalate if no action is taken. The best solution is to talk openly with your partner, but if that's impossible, sit down and write a letter.