Leo Monthly Horoscopes for August, September and October, 2024

Monthly Horoscopes August, September and October 2024 which include monthly forecast + weekly horoscopes for the entire month can be purchased through  PAY PAL online shop The price of each one horoscope is 4.00 euro and paypal email is: [email protected] Please leave a note with horoscope name and zodiac sign to [email protected] 

Leo Monthly Horoscope July 2024. Leo Horoscope

If you were born under the sign of Leo, you will probably end the month of July with more responsibilities than you had at the beginning. This month it will be important for you to find and maintain a healthy balance between what you can handle and what you can't. By all means, give your time and energy to those who need you, but make sure you make enough time for your own well-being as well.
The month of July brings you various commitments and changes related to your financial situation. This could be a purchase, change or some type of move related to property that you or your family own.
This month you may buy new things for your home or sell unnecessary items. You can buy a new car or sell one.
Various material changes are possible this month and naturally, they will be different for each representative of this zodiac sign.
Some of you may be involved in some way with a property that is located in the countryside, in another city or country.
This will be a favorable month for travel, which you can give to someone as a pleasant experience, or for someone to do the same for you.
During this month, avoid at all costs manifestations of overconfidence, arrogance and do not ignore advice or help from other people.
An important document or piece of information will require your attention, which you will most likely receive by email or post. There is a possibility of loss or falling into the hands of people who will use these things in a way that is unpleasant to you.
The month of June can be an interesting and successful time for you. A month in which you can turn various situations or relationships in a favorable direction. New opportunities or chances will work more easily in your favor, but it will definitely be good to follow the advice I have written in this horoscope.
In July, you will receive various offers, important information or an invitation to gather or participate in some event. This will by no means be a dull month for you, unless you choose to isolate yourself from the people or society in which you live.
Some of the unfavorable events this month may be related to a court or legal case, which may develop in an unfavorable direction or end in an unpleasant way for you.
Those of you who are going to commit to some cardinal change in your life will have to act very carefully, without presumptuous or emotional decisions and actions. Heed this advice, because you will hardly have the right to amend your actions.
In July, you will inevitably have various experiences with friends, meetings with them on occasion and without occasion, mainly engaging with those of them who live in the same town as you or at a close distance.
It is possible to engage in some activity with friends from which you will receive a monetary gain, which does not necessarily have to be any large amount of money.
In July, you will have enough family tasks related mainly to people with whom you live under the same roof. Visits from relatives are possible or you can visit them at their home.
For some of you, July brings an important family gathering related to an anniversary, birthday, engagement or wedding.
Pleasant emotions this month will be mostly related to your personal life and the special relationships you have with some people.
This will be a favorable time for clearing up misunderstandings or controversial situations with people from the circle of relatives, friends, neighbors, colleagues and acquaintances.
During this month, many will receive information or have some unexpected experience related to an old love, former spouse or admirer from their past.
Boys and girls may need to take care of their health, undertake some medical or dental treatment, therapy or physical therapy procedures. In general, you may have high expectations for this month, the realization of which will accordingly depend solely on the decisions and financial capabilities of your own parents.
Men will have bold and achievable plans for this month. Their implementation will be completely possible, but it will definitely depend on your activity, on your prior preparation or the resources you have for their implementation. July can be remembered for an unexpected or strange experience related to a close woman. In this month, despite the opportunities you will have to end your emotional or psychological problems, you will have a feeling that there is something you missed, that there is something that will reappear in your life as a problem. On the one hand, your communication with nice people can help you get out of this state, but on the other hand, it can bring you some other fears or anxieties. New people will appear in your work, in the team you work in or new clients, collaborators, etc.
Conflicts or emotional situations with people with whom you will be connected in some way professionally are not excluded.During this month, women can allow the hasty emergence of a conflict, misled by false information that they will receive through another person. This can put you in a very uncomfortable position, especially if you have gone too far with your insults or accusations. New chances or unexpectedly favorable situations that will arise for you this month would be to be grabbed immediately, but it would also be good to give yourself some time to think and judge about the best way to take advantage of them. During this month, there will be a need to go to some institution, regarding a contract, document or other important agreement that you will have to form, sign or receive.