Leo Monthly Horoscope April and May 2025

Monthly Horoscopes April and May 2025 contains general information about each month + weeklyhoroscopes for each month
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Leo Monthly Horoscope March 2025

If you were born under the sign of Leo on March 5, the transit of the Moon conjunct Uranus can bring you sudden and unexpected emotional changes, intuitive insights into your future and a desire for freedom if you feel restricted in any way personally or professionally. Around this date, you may feel more nervous or restless, seeking out new ventures for yourself or putting energy into original ideas. However, this transit can also lead to conflicts if you try to control the situation in your life, no matter what it is related to. It is important to go with the flow and accept the changes that will happen during this period with an open heart.
On March 5, the transit of the Moon conjunct Uranus can bring you sudden and unexpected emotional changes, intuitive insights into your future and a desire for freedom if you feel restricted in any way personally or professionally. Around this date, you may feel more nervous or restless, seeking out new ventures for yourself or putting energy into original ideas. However, this transit can also lead to conflicts if you try to control the situation in your life, no matter what it is related to. It is important to go with the flow and accept the changes that will happen during this period with an open heart.
If you were born under the sign of Leo, in March most of you will have a journey related to emotions and special experiences. For some it will be a short distance away, for others abroad.
This will be a favorable month for relocation, for those of you who have such plans.
In March, you will be delighted by a conversation or a meeting with a person who is probably your friend or relative.
This month, however, an unpleasant event related to a person who lives close to you: a relative, neighbor or friend. It is also possible to have a complicated relationship with such a person.
Already at the beginning of March, you will engage in various things related to property. You may have to pay taxes, insurance, rent, sign various documents related to ownership, etc.
The month of March will be a favorable month for buying and selling property.
During this month, a health problem related to your relative will arise, which should not cause drama, but you should focus on its treatment.
You will experience an important gathering related to a child, which may be related to a birth, baptism, birthday, etc.
In general, in March you will have a variety of occasions for gatherings with friends and relatives.
Don't be hasty or pushy in your love relationship this month. You don't have to strain your relationship.
Spring brings success through new personal, professional or romantic contacts.
Boys and girls will experience unpleasant disappointments related to classmates, friends, peers or colleagues that will show you that there is still much to learn about human nature and character.
Outbursts of anger and opposition to malicious actions of other people towards you or your family can involve you in a situation from which you will find it difficult to get out without sacrificing something or making a difficult compromise.
Men will tend to think more about their personal feelings, comforts, plans and desires. Sometimes this is necessary, but in your case you should not cross the line and show yourself to others as a selfish or self-absorbed person. Interesting experiences are ahead in your love life, but the initiative for them will come rather from your partner.
Women will be surprised by various events mainly related to personal life, personal expectations and desires. You are about to go through a month of more dynamic communication, exchange of various information and search for new opportunities to express yourself and achieve specific goals in life.