Pisces Monthly Horoscope October and November 2024

Pisces Monthly Horoscope October and November 2024, which include monthly forecast + weekly horoscopes for the entire month can be purchased through  PAY PAL online shop ETSY. The price of each one horoscope is 4.00 euro and paypal email is: [email protected] Please leave a note with horoscope name and zodiac sign to [email protected] 

Pisces Monthly Horoscope September 2024

Welcome, Autumn!

From August 29 to September 1, 2024
Special Offer: Annual Horoscope for 1 year + lunar horoscope for 1 month - Price Euro 80.
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If you were born under the sign of Pisces, the transit of retrograde Uranus from September 1 to January 30, 2025 will also have a significant impact on you. Uranus is the planet of surprise, change, so this transit can bring unexpected events or changes in your life.
Uranus retrograde usually triggers internal changes and processes of release from old limitations that have hindered your development until now. During this period, you will have enough time to rethink your goals and desires. They may need more freedom and independence in their lives. The transit of Uranus can bring unexpected events and changes in your professional or personal life.
In September, you are about to experience unforgettable meetings with loved ones.
Ahead of you is a favorable month for the development of romantic and family connections and relationships.
You will attend gatherings on a variety of occasions, mostly related to your relatives or friends.
Some of you will be excitedly awaiting the development of a new romantic relationship that you believe will have its potential to grow.
You may have a difficult or complicated relationship at times with a woman from your circle of relatives.
In September, expect news or an offer that will give you hope for something that should happen by the end of the year.
This month you will have interesting experiences with people with whom you have common interests or goals.
A conflict will arise with a man who will try to convince you at any cost of the success of his idea, project or plan.
During this month, you will be able to achieve a favorable resolution of a household problem or a problem related to property.
In September, you will have an important conversation related to a person from your more distant circle of relatives.
Boys and girls will be optimistic and look more brightly at their future. Your relationships with classmates, colleagues or friends will develop in the best way for you. This month it will be important for you to focus on your financial affairs and the expenses you make, especially if you have no personal income. It will be important for you to find a rational solution to your money problems and difficulties, if you have any.
In September, it will be most important for men to stabilize in their work or to reconstruct their business in view of some new circumstances in the market. During this month, you will be required to think more, act more carefully and cautiously. Your love life will be an important factor in your emotional stability and for this reason you will give it the necessary attention. During this month, it will be important not to deepen troubles in your partner relationships, because now is not the time for drama.
Women won't be afraid to make bold plans for their future, but that doesn't mean you have to blindly follow your desires or whims. Learn to realistically assess your options, as well as the circumstances in which you have to live. You may have some expectations for this month, and events may have a radically different development.


Pisces Monthly Horoscope August

If you were born under the sign of Pisces, August brings you new energy and new opportunities to rebuild your life after some difficult periods during the year. You will want and seek and want change, challenges, some purpose to direct your enthusiasm towards. ORDER YOUR LUNAR HOROSCOPE FROM NADIA
This month does not exclude a new project, a career change, something new. Keep in mind, however, that you are now planting seeds that must be nurtured and cultivated for months and even years to come.
Don't take financial risks. Your optimism can make you impulsive and vulnerable. Be careful and study all the offers that will be made available to you.
In general, you have a month in front of you in which you will be able to relive unexpected turns of your fate. You may have your proposal rejected or experience disappointment related to your hope. Experiencing such an event will give you a new, much better chance for your development as a person. This is largely true of your career or social life.
Many of you will have commitments related to inheritance, probate and other similar actions.
You will have occasion to rejoice in cash receipts. Their sources will be varied, but they certainly won't be from your work alone.
This month you will receive a document that will benefit you in some way.
In August, you may experience together with your relative or friend their personal family problems or misfortunes.
Trouble may also arise with your more distant relatives, which has a connection with your past experiences.
This month will be favorable for pleasure trips, for meetings with relatives (especially with children or young people).
This will also be a favorable time for developing romantic relationships with a partner from another town, country or nationality.
For some of you, August brings an important acquisition or pleasant emotions related to a property in another village, city or country.
In August, ideas or development of your family business or the business of your parents or children will come to the fore.
For women, this will be a favorable month for such plans and actions. You will also have the opportunity to benefit from the help of useful or influential people.
There will be an interesting development this month in your intimate relationship. You will realize that apart from physical closeness, there is another kind of attraction or need to be together. For many, such a relationship will grow into a married life.
In August, a health problem will arise, which will not be serious as long as you pay attention to it in time and do not ignore the symptoms. Such a frivolous attitude can create unwanted complications for you in the future.
If you are involved in political or social activities you may have your "star moments" if you maintain honesty and loyalty in relationships and actions.
The career or education of the boys and girls of this zodiac sign will go in a constructive direction with the opening of new opportunities and achieving success.
For men, an unpleasant conflict with a man will test important relationships or plans. Learn to take events more philosophically and avoid confrontations or uncontrollable emotional reactions.