Pisces Monthly Horoscopes April and May 2025

Monthly Horoscopes April and May 2025 contains general information about each month + weeklyhoroscopes for each month
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Pisces Monthly Horoscope March 2025

If you were born under the sign of Pisces, the transit of the Moon in square Uranus around March 12, may bring you unexpected emotional changes or a situation causing a period of instability. This aspect often causes tension, which can lead to sudden reactions or conflicts in your relationship. Most of you may feel more nervous and unpredictable, and unusual behavior is possible. Try around this date to be careful with your impulsive decisions and try to manage your emotions to avoid unnecessary problems.
The month of March brings emotional experiences related to unexpected events with friends who live near you, in the same city or village.
This month you will be able to make new acquaintances under unexpected circumstances.
This month will be generous to you financially, but that doesn't mean you have to be unreasonable. Organize your budget well, stick to your basic income, and don't rely on extra money or windfall.
During this month, many will have travel plans, mostly for family reasons. Some of you will welcome guests from another city or country. Whatever plans or expectations you have in connection with such meetings, they will develop favorably and interestingly for you.
Anxiety or panic may arise around a loved one who will get into a difficult situation, an accident or have problems with a court case.
During this month, not all your contacts and acquaintances will develop in the direction you want. Sometimes you will have to hold meetings on an unpleasant occasion or with unpleasant, annoying, intransigent people.
In March, be careful with the things in your home, with the resolution of domestic problems, with the purchase of new things for home comfort. Do not easily reject the opinion of others, the advice of professionals and be aware of your real needs.
During this month, many unpleasant consequences can arise from a lie, manipulation or cunning.
Some of you will experience moments of fear or intense anxiety related to unexpected change, having to make a difficult decision, or experiencing drama related to a loved one.
Boys and girls will go through a month of emotional and love excitement and moods. You will want to develop your current relationship much more seriously, and if you don't have one, you will begin to look more seriously in search of a partner with whom you can share special moments.
Men can remember this month by parting with a friend or they will meet old friends. Very rarely the development of your plans this month will satisfy you, but this will hardly make your ambitions weaker.
Women should be more careful with their health, avoid accidents and avoid physically demanding sports and adventures. Attention will be required when signing every single document or contract, request for credit or loan!