Virgo Monthly Horoscopes August, September and October 2024

Monthly Horoscopes August, September and October 2024 which include monthly forecast + weekly horoscopes for the entire month can be purchased through  PAY PAL online shop The price of each one horoscope is 4.00 euro and paypal email is: [email protected] Please leave a note with horoscope name and zodiac sign to [email protected] 

Virgo Monthly Horoscope July 2024. Virgo Horoscope

If you were born under the sign of Virgo, the month of July will be a month in which it will be good to pay attention to the people around you, especially those you love. They will need your support, advice and help.
This month brings a lot of love, for those who seek it and for those who know how to keep it when they find it. During this month, all kinds of surprises are possible in your love life, such as creating a new relationship, turning a friendship into love, rekindling an old acquaintance, etc. ORDER YOUR PERSONAL HOROSCOPE FROM NADIA
July will surprise some of you with a meeting with a soul mate or with a person you will fall in love with at first sight, feeling an inexplicable attraction to this person. There will be a very strong intervention this month from the spiritual world in your love and personal life.
Materially, July will be a favorable month for purchases of items that are important for your home or for your comfort. This will be a favorable time for those of you who are planning to buy a new home, a new car, etc.
During this month, you may be invited to a family gathering, where you will need to go with a well-prepared gift suitable for the occasion.
Your expenses this month will increase and sometimes you will have the feeling that you are wasting money on unnecessary things, or that you are not good at budgeting. Such feelings should not be ignored. Take the time to examine or change the way you use the cash resources you actually have. For those of you who have credit or use borrowed money, the situation is much different.
In July, you will have to deal with some document important to your home or family, paying taxes or insurance, and other paperwork important to your home and family. Those of you who are engaged in any purchase or sale of property will go through some stirring or finalization of such a transaction.
During this month, you will place great expectations on the realization of your plans. You may rely on advice or help from other people. The good thing is that circumstances will be on your side and the results will depend on your own efforts, ambition, preparation and abilities.
Often in various situations you will feel the presence and influence of people from the spirit world, including through strong, suggestive dreams.
During this month, troubles or unpleasant people will manage to surprise you, regardless of how attentive you are to them. Some trials will have to be experienced no matter how careful and cautious you are to avoid them.
Travels this month will mainly be short distances or in the country where you live. For those who do travel abroad, it will most likely be for a short period of time, a few days.
During this month, you may be upset by an unpleasant news related to a person whom you do not know personally, but whom you respect, or to whom you have a special relationship.
In July, those of you who will be involved in a court or legal case, or will have other important engagements with representatives of the law or authority, can hope for a good development.
This will be a favorable time for major changes in the lives of those of you who are planning to start a new family, a new job or a new home.
Depressed moods, states of sadness or dissatisfaction, of low self-esteem, will be the result of your wrong assessment of a specific situation or an unrealistic view of your own capabilities. These states and moods will need to be cleared quickly, because they do not bring anything positive into your life, and do not help you in any way.
Girls and boys will remember this month with different experiences related to their personal life, with close friends or like-minded people. Every single compliment or praise this month will affect you much more positively and constructively than usual.
There's no way you can't go back to events or experiences from your past this month either. The reason for this may be the need for some life experience that can help you in a recurring or similar situation this month.
On the wrong track will be those Virgo men who continue to live with their past, giving themselves illusory hopes that something can go back or be experienced again in a better way. During this month, a larger, unexpected or worrying expense will arise, possibly related to your child or grandchild.
Women should be surprised by some events that they will experience this month in the emotional sphere of their lives. You may feel romantic interest from someone in you, regardless of your marital status. July can be a month of flirting, of unexpected and stormy adventures.