Virgo Monthly Horoscope February 2025
If you were born under the sign of Virgo, the aspect of the Moon in conjunction with Neptune will cause in the first days of February emotional turmoil, difficulties in family relations. Your relationships with women will be complicated and unclear. Health ailments related to digestion, with intestinal gases are possible.
In February, avoid travel (unless urgent) and plans involving long-distance people.
Problems may arise with transport or with a personal car while traveling.
If you are traders or manufacturers, problems may arise in February with goods or raw materials that you expect from another settlement or in transportation from one place to another.
February will be a month of surprises that will have to do with men from your circle of friends, relatives, colleagues, etc.
Various life dramas and experiences related to people you know will provoke you to think more about human life as predestination and other spiritual-philosophical reflections.
During this month, you will have strange dreams related to deceased people or you will be interested in reading literature related to mysticism, mediums, life after death, etc.
This month you will be able to renew and harmonize your complicated relationship with a woman with whom you experienced a separation "thanks" to the intervention of other people.
Larger or unexpected expenses related to your family are ahead of you this month.
If you have expectations of receiving money related to your relatives, then it is possible that you will experience disappointment or some problem will arise.
Despite some worries that will arise of a financial nature, February heralds better incomes, will give you opportunities for extra money in your budget, etc.
In February, you may experience unpleasant moments in your romantic relationship or marriage, related to jealousy or stupid misunderstandings.
Boys and girls will encounter problems when choosing different purchases for themselves or for the home. My advice is to avoid things that are offered to you at a discount as you will be disappointed with their quality.
You yourself may be disappointed by an inappropriate or unnecessary gift that someone may give you.
During this month, men will experience emotional and interesting moments with a child, with travel, gatherings, etc.
In February, an unpleasant event or incident will occur with a man from your circle of friends or relatives. It is difficult to determine how such an event will affect you.
Women will have more occasions for satisfaction and contentment. You will be fascinated by actions or proposals from people with whom you have an old acquaintance.
During this month you may travel different distances and for different reasons. You will be restless, impatient and unpredictable in your behavior.