Virgo Monthly Horoscope November 2024

If you were born under the sign of Virgo, in November you will engage in various pre-planned meetings or gatherings that will be important for the development of your career or family affairs.
You will have interesting contacts or common actions with people with whom you work together or have a common socio-political activity.
During this month, some of you will experience troubles related to a relative or a friend who lives or works in another city or country.
In November, those of you who have a child of your own will be involved in settling a document or have other important responsibilities as a parent.
During this month, some of you will be engaged in or following the development of a court case or legal case.
News related to future motherhood or the birth of a child may surprise you.
The month of November will be difficult for those of you who will have to resolve household or property problems. Such situations will have remained unresolved from your recent past and will still be a source of tension or conflict.
Your love life will be interesting and will bring a variety of emotions and experiences. Those of you whose partner is engaged in some new activity, new career, etc. will experience unexpected events.
In November, concern will arise around a close person or friend who will be in the process of an important change or trial in their life.
Boys and girls should be careful when traveling. Always try to be as organized and disciplined as possible.
During this month, you may achieve an important success, which, however, will happen by overcoming various stressful situations.
For men, expectations of any difficulties in November will have a completely different development. In most cases, your fears will turn out to be redundant and exaggerated. The general development of events in your life will have the best outcome for you in view of the setting or circumstances in which you live.
Even if you have some temporary difficulties or bad days, they will pass quickly.
Women will have to make an important financial decision. It can cause concern because of its delicacy or dependence on other people.
During this month, you will experience events related to a relative or friend who will experience unexpected events related to travel or will celebrate an important event without you having the opportunity to be there.
During this month, you are about to draw up an important document or contract. This will be an important month for laying the foundations of your future plans, which will develop over the next few months.

Virgo December 2024

Monthly Horoscope December 2024 include monthly forecast + weekly horoscopes for the entire month can be purchased through  PAY PAL or ETSY. The price of each one horoscope is 4.00 euro and paypal email is: [email protected] Please leave a note with horoscope name and zodiac sign to [email protected] 

Virgo Monthly Horoscope October 2024

If you were born under the sign of Virgo, various events and situations that will arise in October will require more action and ambition from you to seek new opportunities, to implement important changes and start new ventures.
During this month, you will have urgent commitments related to a child or young people. Their implementation will entirely depend on good organization, but the factor of "unexpected events and circumstances" should not be neglected.
This will be a favorable month for conception or the birth of a child, for making important decisions or undertakings of a similar nature.
In October, relationships in your family will be affected by the emotional state of the people around you. There will be occasions for opposition and conflict, there will be occasions for joy and contentment.
This will be a favorable month for reorganizing your family affairs.
In October, let's avoid commitments related to actions or decisions that concern inheritance cases or inherited property.
Be cautious in decisions that concern property owned by your family.
This will be a difficult month for buying property, such as a flat or a house, but if such a situation arises, carefully check all points on the contract of sale.
During this month, your friends will burden you more with their problems and troubles, with their desire for meetings or gatherings, to which you will be wary, worried and embarrassed to refuse.
Your financial affairs will have a good development this month, and opportunities for new or better incomes will arise for ambitious representatives of this zodiac sign.
Despite the favorable forecast for the development of your finances in October, do not act impulsively and without careful consideration of the specific situation.
During this month, there will be an important change in your relationship with a relative or friend, including some kind of separation is possible due to various life reasons.
Boys and girls will face the childish, still immature nature of their peers and friends, who with their naive or thoughtless actions can get you into an unpleasant situation. It is possible that in this month you will have an expectation of a gathering related to a child or your peer, friend. You are about to make some serious decisions or implement some responsible changes, which will prove to be a difficult task for you.
Men will have a favorable time to travel, to expand their contacts and acquaintances with people from different villages, cities or countries. However, if you have plans related to moving to another city or country, this month is probably not the best time for such a change. Care will be required in the maintenance or storage of your personal vehicle or other vehicle you own.
Women will experience an emotional event related to a loved one. In your financial affairs, rely on your own intuition, especially if you have such relationships with little-known people. You have some serious home or family expenses coming up that will do well to be planned and organized in advance.