Partnership with Nadia web site for Horoscopes

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                    I am on Earth now.
                    HIS heart recognized mine for the first time.
                    HE went out. HE went hunting. It's cold. There are a lot of hungry bears outside this year. Everything is white, very white and cold.
                    HE is on the hunt. HE is angry with me. We still don't have children.
                    HE and I are alone here, and there are many hungry bears outside.
                    I'm afraid.
                    I am sleepy.
                    HE is hunting....
                    I'm on Earth again.l
                    I have a house now. Dad made it. He brought firewood by boat from the river. The river is nice. There are many people.
                    HE came from the river. HE is talking to me. HIS heart knew mine. There is another woman. His brother died. She is his brother's wife. I want to be with HIM.
                    I'm going to live with HIM in his house, up the river. Mom is crying. Dad is silent.
                    I'm in his house now. HE has children - his brother's kids.
                    HE goes fishing every day. HE sells fish to other people. People give him milk, skins and rice.
                    We will have a child.
                    I heard the child crying....

                    I'm on Earth again.
                    There are a lot of people around me. We all live in one big fortress. Everything here is made of stone. As before in the cave on most days of the year it is cold. But now it's more beautiful. I have nice clothes. Everyone says I'm beautiful. Dad goes somewhere all the time. He has everything. But mom is gone. I remember her as a child. She kept crying....
                    One day my father brought another woman. HE was with her. HIS heart knew mine. I was told HE was the brother of my father's new wife??.
                    I am already 15 years old. Dad said a man wanted me for a wife. He was much richer than Dad.
                    HE is silent and just looks at me.
                    I have to go with Dad. Someone came into my room and grabbed me. HE!
                    We went very far. There are many ships. We got on one of them. HE said we would go far, very far. We must be together and happy in this life.
                    There is so much water around...
                    I'm on Earth again.
                    I'm not tired of coming. Mom and Dad are always waiting for me. Mom is very beautiful this time. But she cries a lot...I don't know why. She loves me very much, but she talks to me little. We have a nice house and there are many nice houses around. It's different. Now it's called a city. Im going to school. I am learning to read and write. I want to become a doctor. To help mom not to cry.
                    I'm in another city now. Mom is gone. I'm already a doctor. I work in a hospital. There are a lot of sick people here.
                    War has broken out. HE is here. HE is wounded. HIS heart knew mine. When the war is over, we will go to his city. HE is a teacher. It's so nice to be together again.
                    Today his heart stopped during an operation....
                    I'm on Earth again.
                    I know why I have come and this time I will fight to be happy. Mom and Dad are happy to see me again. I have a bigger family now. I have grandparents who are mom's parents. I have grandparents who are my father's parents. I have two other mothers who are my father's wives. I have many uncles and aunts, cousins. I don't even remember them all. I also have many brothers and sisters. Mom sings very well, everyone knows her and invites her to visit. Dad travels and sells his wares far and wide. Sometimes my brothers travel with him.
                    One day my father told me that I would be married to his friend's son. A week later, many people came, somewhere among them was my future husband. A day later they met us in a room - HE was there. HIS heart knew mine. This time nothing will separate us.
                    We are expecting a child.
                    We have a daughter.
                    We have a son.
                    I'm still with him. I have a big house and my mom is here to visit. She sings to my children. HE is with me every second day.
                    We have a second son.
                    We have another daughter.
                    I'm happy. Today is my day, I'm going to prepare for HIM....