Libra Weekly Horoscope 29 July - 4 August, 2024

During the week of July 29 - August 4, you will engage in various contacts, visits and meetings with people from your family or with relatives. They can bring a variety of emotions into your daily life, sometimes with the problems they bring with them.
Events in the life of a friend, colleague or classmate will be the occasion for some sadness, disappointment or other strong emotions.
You may be surprised by money from a man, or through a man you may receive important news of a financial nature.
During this week, you may have dynamic communication by phone or through letters with people who live or work abroad.
You may receive important news or information, an offer or an invitation through people from another city or country.
During this period, you will have a commitment related to a property or property, and this may concern repairs, settlement of property rights, purchase - sale, etc.
If you have a legal case of a property nature, you are unlikely to solve your problem this week.
Expect joyful news related to pregnancy or the birth of a child in another settlement.
During these seven days, you may be lucky in a trip or receive an invitation to travel.
This week generally brings more family engagements related to various pleasant or unpleasant occasions.
Of course, there will be those of you who will prefer to spend your free time in the company of other people, and family tasks or responsibilities will almost always remain in the background.
Boys and girls will attend a gathering related to friends. It is possible that you have a special commitment related to such a person, which will require a different attitude on your part. In general, the girls of this zodiac sign will have a lot of emotional experiences this week, which, however, also carries the risk of more mistakes or hasty, thoughtless decisions.
Men will go through some moments of confusion, uncertainty or instability. This week you will be greatly influenced by any kind of information, regardless of its source and whether it is real or one of those fake news that circulates freely on the Internet. Your financial, professional or business relationships will require attention.
Women will take on greater responsibility in carrying out various tasks and plans related to the home or family. During this week, you may be involved in solving some problem related to a relative who has a difficult or grumpy nature. The appearance of a new person in your family is possible, including a new pet. Your circle of neighbors will discuss the actions of a person who causes problems for the people who live near him.

Libra Weekly Horoscope 22 - 28 July, 2024

During the week of July 22 - 28, you will have contacts with people who will cause you a feeling of insincerity or disloyalty on their part towards you. However, for various reasons, you will need to maintain your good relations with them. These contacts can prove to be a test for you, somewhat mentally taxing, due to the need to constantly control your own words and emotions.
Remember that these acquaintances will be really important to you, so balance your emotions and feelings well.
This week does not bring great financial success from work, but this should not make you neglect your responsibilities and obligations. The effort and energy you put into your work this week will determine your future success or failure.
The troubles you will experience this week with a person from your circle of relatives or friends will not surprise you.
The week heralds various pleasant events or gatherings, mostly of a family nature. Many will be invited and attend an engagement, wedding or anniversary.
Love can be generous to you this week. Your romantic relationships with people outside your place of residence will have an interesting development.
Unpleasant experiences related to your past may arise that may discredit you or require you to take specific actions in your defense.
Boys and girls will meet, talk or have fun with childhood friends. You will have many pleasant moments with them as well as with other friends you have known for a long time. For some of you, the week brings good news related to a baby or a child from your circle of relatives or neighbors. During these seven days you will be often on the move, going here and there, meeting different people, gathering a lot of emotions, experiences, knowledge and information, life experience. This will be an important week for those of you who have commitments related to education or career.
Men will have emotional but important and necessary conversations related to documents or money mainly with their romantic or marriage partner. Expenses related to a family member are possible and will require more careful consideration and planning.
Women will have to pay attention to their health ailments and reduce the stress in their daily life that is actually the cause of these ailments. The week will be very dynamic for you, with many more tasks and duties and this will need to be well balanced emotionally, mentally and physically. Some of you will have a special experience or serious commitment with a younger brother, son, nephew or grandson. NADIA'S MONTHLY HOROSCOPES: AUGUST, SEPTEMBER AND OCTOBER