Libra Weekly Horoscope 23 - 29 December, 2024

During the week of December 23 - 29, your attention will be directed to the realization of an interesting idea or to the fulfillment of a promise you made to someone some time ago.
Small troubles during these seven days will harass you and make you look for the reasons for their occurrence. You will probably have to incur some expense to resolve them.
During the week, carefully monitor relations with people who do not live in your city or country. It is possible that there are some secrets in your relationship that will cause tension between you in the future.
The week will be favorable for the development of your financial affairs, but disputes or conflicts related to money are not excluded.
During the week, you will benefit from your acquaintance with a person who works in some institution or has his own business.
During this week, be careful with documents, with confidential information or correspondence that will be of interest to someone else.
Your love life does not bode well for changes. An old relationship or your previous spouse will be an occasion for conversation or you will have an unexpected meeting.
During the week, you will easily be able to find a diplomatic solution to a situation related to a person from your circle of relatives or friends.
Boys and girls will have a favorable time to stabilize relationships in the family, at work or in love. Your new acquaintances will be carefully selected by you according to certain criteria. Anger over damaged or poor-quality personal belongings, domestic problems at home or problems with the technology you use are not excluded.
Men will be engaged in some task or event related to a woman. Your love life may take an unexpected turn at the end of the year. Parents or other loved ones will need special attention during these festive days. Give them more attention, no matter where you are.
Women will welcome the Christmas holidays with some important decisions about their future and their lifestyle. You will be ready for some changes that you have been putting off in recent years due to lack of will or lack of suitable circumstances. All kinds of travel-related situations are possible.
To all representatives of the Libra sign, I wish a Merry and peaceful Christmas!


Libra Weekly Horoscope 16 - 22 December, 2024

During the week of December 16 - 22, you will be given enough energy, which will bring you a great deal of optimism and hope for positive events and successes in your future. Above all, your attention will be directed in financial terms, where you will have the opportunity to enjoy real results and successes, as long as you have not only ambition and motivation, but also the will to work and fight.
During this week you may receive money through people who are your relatives, employers, tenants and others.
Your financial affairs this week will benefit you as long as you are able to communicate and act in harmony with the people with whom you will have similar relationships.
During these seven days, you will rekindle an old conflict or problem with a person who was your friend, family member, or neighbor. The probability of solving your troubles with this person is minimal, but stubbornness will not help either.
The week will be favorable for romantic acquaintances, meetings and experiences. A relationship with a partner from a close distance will be better placed than outside your place of residence.
During the week, be well prepared if you have to travel, regardless of the distance.
It will be very important for you to avoid risky activities and sports during these seven days.
Boys and girls will have fresh ideas from which they will expect real results and success. The help of a woman will be beneficial to you, especially if she is part of your family.
During this week, many will turn their attention to various opportunities to improve their income.
Men will have to prioritize their household tasks and family obligations. For the holidays, everything has to be almost perfect. At your workplace, you will need to slow down your pace or tasks to avoid unnecessary stress. Minor repairs or improvements to your home are possible for the holidays.
Women are in danger of succumbing to stress and causing controversy or arguments over trivial matters. This week brings more meetings and gatherings, both for the upcoming holidays and before. It will be important for you to control your emotions, desires and frustrations at times so as not to create unwanted tension for you and those around you.


Libra Weekly Horoscope 9 - 15 December, 2024

During the week of December 9 - 15, you may start a new (albeit temporary/part-time) job or engage in a new professional-business project. The appearance of new people in the team where you already work or of new clients is not excluded.
In general, the week brings successful development of already started projects, professional or business activities and others.
This week will have a favorable influence on the treatment of your relative who has a health problem.
The week will be favorable for finding a solution to family problems that created tension in your marriage or were related to money.
During this week, you are likely to attend a gathering on an important occasion or welcome guests to your home.
The week will be favorable for making an important decision or implementing a change related to a child or young person in your family.
During these seven days, you will think about the personal drama of a friend or relative whom you would like to help in some way.
At times you will be prone to excessive panic, anxiety or fear about your future etc.
Boys and girls will have a favorable week for developing commitments or plans related to money. Unexpected income in your personal budget is possible. The week brings an emotional clash with a person, and the conflict between you will have an unexpected end. Many in your family will rely on you.
Men will face some difficulties that will negatively affect your mood during these days. An occasion for a depressed or sad mood can also be an unpleasant news related to people you know or a place where you have been. Surprises this week will somehow change your holiday plans.
Women will go through a favorable time for arranging personal plans and goals, belongings and relationships and in general for everything you intend to continue with in the new year. You will have expectations for some meetings or gatherings that are unlikely to undergo any change. Use this favorable time to stabilize and organize your personal life above all.