Leo Seasons Horoscopes Spring and Summer 2025

Horoscopes Spring and Summer 2025 contains general information about this season + monthly horoscopes for each season

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Leo Season Horoscope Winter

If you were born under the sign of Leo in December, you may feel the influence of an unfavorable transit of the Sun in a square with Saturn. During such a transit, extreme or unreasonable decisions are possible. A feeling of fear, uncertainty can cause various defensive reactions on your part, sometimes incomprehensible to others. Significant professional successes will be difficult to achieve. This transit brings greater demands on you, heavy business and professional obligations. Health problems related to skin, bones, teeth, hair, spine, heart may appear.
In January, the aspect of Mars trine the lunar nodes can help to increase your motivation to pursue personal or spiritual projects that are related to your life mission or karmic duty. This aspect can support the assimilation of new concepts and approaches to help you advance personally or professionally. You will feel the need to take action on important aspects of your life, especially those related to your professional development or other personal aspirations.
In the first week of February, Mars will square Chiron, marking a period in which you will face emotional or physical challenges. Under the influence of this transit, you may experience internal or external conflicts related to your vulnerabilities. These conflicts may require active action by you to resolve. This aspect can cause you to have impulsive reactions related to your emotional or psychic wounds or fears. This influence can prompt you to take action to overcome old painful issues. Situations will arise that will test your strength of will and determination. This can be both a positive aspect and a source of conflict.
In general, during this winter season, unexpected events may have something to do with your love life.
A surprise is also possible with a document you will receive that will have some connection with money.
This season will be a particularly important period in your life, as it brings various changes in the home and in the family, with long-lasting implications for your future.
During the winter, a stressful situation related to travel may arise or an unexpected need for such travel may arise due to family or professional reasons.
In general, this month will be a time of change for most representatives of the Leo zodiac sign. For some of you, they will have to do with moving to a new home, starting a new job or starting a new project, or other major life events.
The good thing is that they will be for your own good and in no case should create anxiety or fear for your future.
Those of you who currently have a job or other professional commitment will begin to feel dissatisfaction and will look around for possible changes, and you will hardly take any concrete actions during these three months.
You will be cautious rather than adventurous.
In winter, you will experience an unpleasant conflict in your family, which will be caused by accumulated tension or unsaid things from before.
Boys and girls will go through a period in which they will have to think seriously about their future: education, career, family or lifestyle. Those of you who allow yourself to "float in the clouds" or rely on mom and dad for everything, will go through the first more serious tests in your life. Everyone will have to learn something important this winter, and for you the lessons will be more. In winter, you will experience an event related to a close woman, which in most cases will be related to some pleasant occasion.
Men will go through these three months with a greater tension. Conflicts will easily arise around you or with you. The reasons for them will be different, but very often they will lead to separations with people with whom you have been together so far in life: in the same family, work, social or political group, etc. This season brings life separations with people you know, and the reasons for this will be various, including they may be related to the transition to the Otherworld. Protect your personal belongings or ideas from other people with dishonest intentions.
Women will go through a season in which they will experience some kind of evolution in their relationships with loved ones. Regardless of whether you are aware of your current situation, this winter will be an important period for you, in which your main directions of development and the freedom you will need for their realization will be determined. For you, winter brings a special experience associated with a male person.