Taurus Seasons Horoscopes Spring and Summer 2025

Horoscopes Spring and Summer 2025 contains general information about this season + monthly horoscopes for each season

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Taurus Season Horoscope Winter

If you were born under the sign of Taurus, at the beginning of December you will feel the influence of the transit of the Sun trine Jupiter, which will give you days of improvements and harmonization of some important things in your life. You will have the opportunity to stabilize the relationship in your love and marriage. This aspect will help to achieve goals, to expand your opportunities for professional and business development. The first days of December will be a favorable period for starting new activities. You will have the opportunity to solve your problems more easily or more practically. Your financial situation may improve. Healthy ailments will pass to an obvious subversion.
At the beginning of January, the aspect of Mercury sextile Lilith can provide you with interesting opportunities to communicate with different groups of people and to express yourself. Opportunities will arise to discuss topics that normally remain in the shadows. You will be more open to talk about your hidden desires and fears. At the beginning of January, intuitive understanding of your hidden motives and needs may increase. You can better understand what exactly is behind other people's words. These will be favorable days to work on your inner conflicts and analyze your feelings. You may be able to understand your difficult emotions and find ways to resolve them.
In early February, the transit of Jupiter trine Lilith will help you better understand your deepest desires and instincts. You will have the opportunity to show your uniqueness, which will strengthen your self-esteem. The effect this transit will have on you may be related to healing old traumas or releasing limitations that you most likely have imposed on yourself.
What does this winter season bring you in general?
During this winter you will tend to be distrustful, to have pessimistic thoughts about your present or future. Even when luck is on your side or fate gives you an important chance, you will feel uncertainty and fear about your future.
Of course, these conditions can be overcome by greater self-control over such emotions and moods.
Those of you who will have health problems during these three months should not allow yourself to despair or feel hopeless, as the reality is quite different.
This winter your "Achilles heel" will be your emotional and mental instability. For this reason, you may be sad or self-isolated at the most inopportune moment, when in fact you should be doing the exact opposite.
Your tendency to be distrustful of other people's kindness, compliments, or suggestions may even cause them to distance themselves from you.
This season can bring you pleasant emotions or achieving important success for you through travel or through people who live in other cities and countries.
Some of you will have the opportunity to take a trip related to an important material or property commitment.
Considering your emotional and mental state this winter, it will definitely reflect on your family relationships. This will be most strongly felt in those family relationships that have been subjected to greater tests or strains in the last few months.
In an unexpected meeting or conversation, you will find out about the personal drama of a person you know, and then all these worries and anxieties of yours will seem insignificant and even funny.
This will be a successful season for the development of your education or career. You will be able to get a new chance for development, recognition for work done or a completed project, and others. But, everything will depend on your ambition and the will to follow your goals.
Winter 2024/2025 will be a very complicated season for the boys and girls of this zodiac sign. During this period, you will have to approach your personal troubles much more wisely, sometimes with difficulty accepting the advice of people older or more experienced than you. You will have to make difficult decisions or do things that will require more effort from you, something you may not like. The expectations are for a reasonable behavior on your part and ending this month with satisfaction and pride in yourself.
Men will go through a clash of interests with another man or men that may involve personal, family, professional, business or political interests. The most painful and "bloody" can be the struggle in love relationships, where everyone will fight with all possible means for the attention or love of a woman.
Let women be ready for a lot of work, more tasks and more responsibilities. Think from now on how you will manage and how you will organize your actions so as not to waste valuable time for you. Important financial decisions and actions are ahead of you, which for some of you may help to permanently increase your income.