Sagittarius Weekly Horoscope 17 - 23 February, 2025




If you were born under the sign of Sagittarius, during the week you will have occasion to rejoice or attend an event related to some change in the life of a person from your close circle of relatives or friends.
During these seven days, a conflict related to a child can be a reason for exchanging accusations between people in your family, but in the end you will realize that you are fighting over silly things.
For some of you, the week brings news or an event related to pregnancy or the birth of a baby.
In general, events this week will be related to your family and home. They will definitely have a favorable influence on the development of important plans and affairs.
During the week, many will attend an engagement, wedding, birthday or anniversary.
In your work, keep a close watch on the words or actions of a woman who has made it her goal to disparage you or cause you some kind of problem.
Boys and girls will have several pleasant experiences with friends, colleagues or classmates. An interesting event in the life of a close friend can be an occasion for a gathering or lively conversations on the phone.
Men will go through several complicated situations at their workplace related to misunderstandings, accidents, various mistakes or delays. Developing relationships with colleagues or with clients will determine your successes or failures during the week where you work.
Women this week will be required to change some of their plans or make new ones that will determine future actions that will engage your attention over a longer period of time.
During this week, you have an interesting or important meeting, interview, presentation, which will require good preparation and maximum concentration.
During these seven days, new people will appear in your circle of friends, colleagues or relatives. Many will be happy to have a new pet.


Sagittarius Weekly Horoscope 10 - 16 February, 2025




If you were born under the sign of Sagittarius, during the week of February 10 - 16, 2025, you will have commitments or concerns related to your own or a loved one's health.
This will be an important commitment that you should not put off and that you will have to take seriously. Of course, panic should not be allowed either, as it may be an imperative therapy or treatment.
The week brings more dynamism to your contacts with people outside the home. You will discuss or resolve important family or work issues.
The week promises to be very busy, very tense, sometimes with the need to make sensible decisions. They may involve postponing some of your commitments due to physical inability to commit to them.
You will be emotionally unstable, which will cause various changes in your mood.
This week, a new person in your circle of acquaintances will be put to some kind of test before you decide whether or not you can trust them.
In fact, successes and good things this week will come through strangers or new people in your life.
Financially, during the week there will be a stressful moment related to a larger expense, which may cause a temporary difficulty.
Boys and girls have a hard time making compromises and this can be the cause of unpleasant and emotional conflict.
Men will have a favorable week for achieving real successes. You will not lack chance or luck, but it will be because of the effort and labor you put into your work and affairs.
You may be asked for a small cash loan or service this week, but later some complications will arise.
Women will be restless, impatient, jealous in love or will easily create contradictions with people with whom they have daily contact.
During the week, you will expect important information of a financial nature, but receiving it and what it will bring you will also depend on your individual horoscope.


Sagittarius Weekly Horoscope 3 - 9 February, 2025


If you were born under the sign of Sagittarius, during the week 3 - 9 February, 2025, you will need to take advantage of the experience you have gained from your previous experiences. This is especially true for those related to your family or love life.
You will probably be put in a situation where you have to make a decision related to something you have already experienced. Sagittarius Facebook Page:
The influence of a close person on your domestic affairs will be unfavorable. It may be related to a wrong idea of the specific situation, to selfishness or other kind of negative feelings.
Financially, be mindful of your available resources and don't spend more than what you have planned in your weekly budget. If you have any expectations of extra or windfall money, you may be disappointed.
During this week, your family or marital relations will be put to the test. The need for some kind of change in this relationship is ripe, but it can only happen if the parties involved are ready for it.
Boys and girls will put more emotionality and sensitivity into their actions and relationships during these seven days. This will be a good time to start a new romantic relationship, as long as you don't burden it with high expectations at the beginning.
Men will have enough household and family tasks to do, so let them not waste their time on things that bring temporary pleasure without any benefit for the future.
Unfortunately, some unresolved issues and troubles will continue to worry you, as they still need much more time to clear up.
During this week, women will receive information related to an already ended love or friendship relationship. You will find out interesting things for you, but how much they will change your opinion about relationships will be individual.