Libra Monthly Horoscopes April and May 2025

Monthly Horoscopes April and May 2025 contains general information about each month + weeklyhoroscopes for each month
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Libra Monthly Horoscope March 2025

If you were born under the sign of Libra, at the end of the first week of March, the Moon's square Saturn transit will bring various emotional challenges or restrictions into your life. During this influence (around March 7), you may feel more lonely or depressed, and your mood may be low. You may experience feelings of insecurity or dissatisfaction with the current situation in your life. This period will be suitable for dealing with your emotional issues, but it may also require patience and resilience on your part.
In general, the month of March will be remembered as a very tense and dynamic period for you. You will have more commitments in your daily life and more tasks that will have to be completed on time.
In March, you will consider ideas, suggestions or opportunities for better income, for additional work, etc.
This month you will be much more engaged with your own problems and worries. You will look for ways to reasonably resolve them. This will be important for you before they become more serious or difficult to resolve.
It is likely that resolving them will cost you a larger, unplanned outlay of money.
The development of your personal, friendly or professional relationship will surprise you this month. You will feel confused and unsure of what you are experiencing.
In March, you will receive money or a financial document that will free you from any fear or worry. This may concern your family relationships, but it may also have to do with your work or business.
Plans related to a child will be discussed in March: with his education, development of talent or acquisition of additional skills, etc.
For some of you, this month brings care related to a health problem in the family, hospital stay or treatment, special therapy, etc.
During this month, you may be offended by the words and actions of a person who will deliberately act against you in this way.
Boys and girls will experience various expected or unexpected events related to a woman in the family, or to a girl who is a friend, classmate, peer or colleague.
Men will part with friends, and there will be no surprise in this. In general, this month you will tend to easily lash out, take offense and verbally hurt people who are actually important to you. Manifestations of jealousy can lead to the breakdown of your current relationship.
Women will rejoice in a personal success of their own, which they probably achieved alone or with the help of another person. In general, this month will provide you with many new opportunities, but their realization will depend entirely on you. A special experience in your home related to an important news or event is not excluded.