Libra Monthly Horoscopes August and September 2024

Monthly Horoscopes August and September 2024 which include monthly forecast + weekly horoscopes for the entire month can be purchased through  PAY PAL online shop The price of each one horoscope is 4.00 euro and paypal email is: [email protected] Please leave a note with horoscope name and zodiac sign to [email protected] 

Libra Monthly Horoscope July 2024. Libra Horoscope

If you were born under the sign of Libra, in July open your heart to the people who love you. This is a month in which your affairs and commitments will be mainly related to your home and family. July brings more responsibilities at work or in your business, as well as taking care of a health issue. ORDER YOUR PERSONAL HOROSCOPE FROM NADIA
In the month of July, you will have to look for new ways to solve the difficulties in your life, taking into account the realities and circumstances that will be where you live. This is not a month for quick decisions and rash decisions. July is a month of difficult but still possible successes. Some of your main difficult tasks and commitments will be related to your home, with the need to make some repairs or improvements, with taking care of property you own. You will have to consider very carefully both your financial resources and the capabilities of the people you will rely on for these actions. Things related to important or expensive purchases will require much greater attention this month.
Many of the events this month will require you to do some "further reading" by seeking important information from various sources. Avoid taking chances with hasty, emotional decisions, comments or commitments. The consequences of such actions will not only be unpleasant, but can create various concerns for you, including those related to disparaging you in front of people who previously had a good or high opinion of you.
In July, you will intuitively be able to see the prospects in front of your work or business more clearly, which will help you to make some changes, looking for a better field for performance and success.
The new acquaintances you will make this month will most likely help or benefit you in learning new skills, knowledge or in realizing important plans for you.
Despite the difficult and complicated month in the middle of the year, you will be able to count on protection from your patrons from the spiritual world.
In this month, you may realize a very important trip for you, which will bring a new breath into your life, open up new opportunities for you or meet you with people who are yet to play an important role in your life.
Attempts to be manipulated or misled, lied to with false information to some extent can be successful, especially for the more naive representatives of this zodiac sign. Not all of you have managed to build a solid base of life experience and knowledge about the character of different people.
A lie or unkind action by someone you once trusted can seriously upset you.
Based on useful information that you will receive this month or a specific proposal, you will be able to build a new plan or project, something that you will commit to until the end of the year.
Some of you will receive an offer for a joint activity or business, but here decisions and actions will be determined by your personal horoscope.
Some of the unpleasant confrontations and conflicts this month will be related to your family or your relatives. The most unpleasant will be those related to jealousy, which are fueled and caused by a lack of trust or other selfish manifestations.
Libra parents will have to pay more serious attention to the upbringing, education or career of their own child. These actions of yours will not be in vain, and the concrete results will show you that you gave your best.
The reasons for joy and satisfaction in this month will in most cases be related to a document, a contract, an increase in income or receiving money.
July will be a favorable month for love encounters and experiences, both with an already established relationship and for those of you who are planning a first romantic date.
During this month, most unexpected events and surprises will be related to an event or people from your past. It is possible that unfinished tasks or commitments in which you have lost interest for some reason will come to the fore again.
During this month, do not focus solely on your expectations and the fulfillment of your desires. Learn to look broadly at the events in your life during this period and the influence on them by people you know. Every action you take during this period will reflect in some way on the lives of other people and vice versa.
Boys and girls will go through a month of changes that at this stage may seem insignificant at first glance or easy to implement, but later you will see that they were actually a cornerstone in your life. It is possible that this month you will engage in some task for which you will have contact with a representative of some institution.
Men will be the mainstays of their home, whom everyone will hope and rely on to take on the main responsibilities of the family and home.
In July, you will be part of a pleasant event in the lives of friends or you will share a great joy, success that they will experience.
This will be a favorable month for Libra women to create new friendships, with people who are yet to be some kind of teachers in your life.
Unfortunately, in July you may be upset by a piece of news related to a person who lives near you.