Leo Monthly Horoscope January, 2025

If you were born under the sign of Leo, If you want to achieve success in January, then this is only possible if it is based on patience and skill on your part to rationally organize your tasks.
During this month, avoid being too demanding of your loved ones or your colleagues, as you yourself will not be perfect either. Being rash when making important decisions or starting new ventures without sufficient preparation on your part can play a bad joke on you.
In January, you will have more expenses related to various commitments regarding government, banking, tax and other institutions.
If you have your own business this month, you can make a bigger investment or expense.
When working with documents, it will be necessary to strictly meet deadlines so that undesirable situations do not arise. During this month, you will be able to finalize a contract or some kind of documentation of a financial nature that is important to you or your family.
In this month, you may receive the invitation for a family reunion that will take place this month or in February.
In January, you will experience an emotional or, with more stress, unpleasant event in the life of a young person: a relative or a friend.
During this month, avoid conflict situations with men who will tend to show arrogance and even cruelty in their actions.
In January, you will experience confusion in relationships or plans you will have with a woman, most likely due to unexpected events in her life. It is possible to postpone a meeting with her, sympathize with an unpleasant loss in her life, etc.
The greater mental and emotional load in January will be related to the resolution of a domestic or property problem that may have had its beginning in the past year. Despite some emotional difficulties this month, it will only be up to you to quickly get out of them, a more optimistic view of your future, especially since you will not lack concrete occasions for this.
Boys and girls will have an interesting and dynamic month in which new opportunities, new acquaintances and unexpected events will arise. You may prematurely or hastily judge that some things are impossible to implement and give up before you have tried to do anything about them. It is good to know that this will be a month in which luck will be on your side, but only if your energy is directed to good and pure deeds.
At work or in business, men will experience more tension and this may cause insomnia or affect physical health in some way. In general, the events that you will experience this month will be important for your future, and their development will largely depend on your preliminary preparation and the base of skills and knowledge built up during this period.
In January, women will have an interesting and promising relationship with someone who is unlikely to be a relative. This will be an auspicious time to discuss various property issues or future commitments related to property. It is possible to engage in the resolution of troubles of a financial nature.

Horoscope February 2025 which includes monthly forecast + weekly horoscopes for the month can be purchased through  PAY PAL or ETSY. The price of each one horoscope is 4.00 euro and paypal email is: [email protected] Please leave a note with horoscope name and zodiac sign to [email protected]


Leo Monthly Horoscope December 2024

If you were born under the sign of Leo, during the period from December 7, 2024 to February 24, 2025, the possible influences of retrograde Mars in your life will be related to suppressing your energy.
Since you are characterized by enough vitality and energy, under this influence you may feel a little more tired or unsure of your actions. This period may require you to rethink your goals and ambitions. Mars retrograde can lead to an increase in conflict, especially in your personal relationships. During this period, misunderstandings will arise or there will be more stress in your communication with other people.
This period will be a good time for you to reflect on your past actions and choices. It is during this period that it may be your time to correct mistakes and restructure your plans for the New Year 2025.
In December, you will have various occasions for joy, which are due to you after a stoically experienced period of various difficulties or setbacks. You will be given a chance to stabilize or achieve one success.
Ahead of you is a month favorable for the realization of a change that will be important in your life.
December will be a favorable month for the development of a court case, regardless of its nature.
However, you may be disappointed or lied to about money that will have some connection with a member of your family.
During this month, organizing advance plans and tasks to complete will not be of much help to you, which does not mean that you should not do them. Just always be ready for some kind of surprise.
December will be a favorable period for the development of your professional and business relationships. You will be able to achieve success with a lot of ambition and consistency in your actions.
You will receive unpleasant news or experience a difficult event related to a person who is your relative or in some way related to your family.
The marital relations of some representatives of this zodiac sign can be complicated. This will mainly concern those who are unstable, problematic or burdened with a lot of tension in recent months. A new crisis in your relationship may call into question the future of your cohabitation.
This month you will give up one of your promises due to the emergence of new circumstances.
In your workplace, beware of any kind of material or intellectual theft.
In December, many will have a gathering in a home environment, associated with many emotions and mood.
Boys and girls will have a favorable time to stabilize and organize their personal finances, to purchase important items for home comfort or for the winter season. During this month, avoid cunning or manipulation in your personal relationships, because it will come back to you like a boomerang.
Men will be excited and sometimes confused by the news they will receive this month. Information from near or far will affect you negatively rather than the other way around, possibly because of the disappointments it brings you. It is possible that you will be saddened by unpleasant news related to a person you know.
Women will be looking for ways to get through this month with more ease and less hassle or commitment. Quite a difficult task, isn't it? It is true that you will get support from various places and it will be of great benefit to you. Do not make big plans for this month, because various unexpected situations, news and experiences await you.
On the last day of December and on New Year's Eve, you will be under the influence of the Moon sextile Saturn aspect, which is a harmonious and positive transit. Its influence will make you more confident in your emotions. You will be able to handle difficult situations more easily if they arise. During this day, you will tend to show a more mature and balanced approach to your emotional relationships. You will be willing to care for others and offer support to your loved ones if they need it.