Money Calendar

Electricity, water, telephone, rent etc.... We all pay bills.
And did you know that you can use paying these costs to your advantage?
Follow me to tell you how!
Pay your household bills on certain days of the month and it will have a positive effect on your money.
What you need to do?
To pay your household bills on the dates I will give you.
Other periodic payments can also be made on this dates – insurance, loan installments, education fees, etc.
You don't have to make payments on all dates.
Why to do so?
To manage your expenses better.
To make saving easier.
To get a job - if you're looking for one.
To get a long - forgotten loan back, etc.
The positive effects are different and individual for each person.
The effect of the ritual is felt within six monts, sometimes faster. Everything is individual.
How long to pay the bills on this way?
The ideal option is always to pay your expenses on this way.
Another option is to perform the ritual only for a certain period of time – until you achieve your goal, solve your problem, etc.
What you get?
When you order the service - you will get a list of three or four dates for each calendar month in writing, as well as some additional instructions.
Calculations are made according to the date of birth of the person who will pay the bills.
The dates are different for each person.
Information needed: name and date of birth of  the person who deals with the payment of the bills.
You will receive a list of days within 3 – 5 working days on your personal email, after payment has been made /to the bank account, PayPal/

Fees for the service Ritual for money  
For 1 month – 9 euro
For 6 months – 35 euro
For 12 months – 70 euro
For 24 months – 120 euro
For 36 months – 170 euro

You can order the service once for a period of 6 months at a price of  29 euro.
Inquiries should be sent to [email protected]
I am looking for distribution partners for this service.
Should you have any further questions about the service I offer, do not hesitate to ask me.

Customer feedback
Once we started paying the bills on the dates provided, it worked out that whenever we have big irregular expenses there is always money coming in from somewhere that is enough to cover them. During this period we have really big expenses related to medical procedures. Usually then we get paid in arrears. A large loan given to us years ago was repaid at just such a time. We also arranged to take out two large loans from different sources with no interest or very low interest to buy a car and to renovate the house. The nicest thing is that we don't have a period where we are without cash for current expenses, as was the case until we started paying on the dates. We were also able to buy many appliances and furniture for our home during this period that we had been planning for years. Now when I take stock, I realize how well we have done financially over the past 7-8 months since we have been paying on the estimated dates. E. S. Bulgaria
I have been paying my bills on the dates provided for three years. I started doing it without super much hope that the method will work. As much as possible I made my regular payments on the dates given. Over time, I've found that unexpected expenses happen less often and I save money more easily. It has also helped me to find a job extremely quickly that completely satisfies me in terms of hours, attitude and pay.
A. S. Bulgaria
I have been working as a teacher in a school for 5 years. The headmistress is happy with me, but did not hire me on a permanent contract. I only used the bills service for a few months. The very second month I was hired on a permanent contract. Thank you!
D. G. Bulgaria
Hi, just to say that I got a call for additional work. Wow, it's true that the money is next to nothing, but it's still something. And I'm OK with that, but fate knows its job.
V. Sh. Bulgaria
I have proof that the system works. As of recently, I am also getting paid on the dates given to me. However last month I forgot to make the payments correctly. The result is that my money ran out in the middle of the month. I now pay attention!
D. D. Bulgaria
In fact, I can say that since I have kept the dates - I have not been without money. I achieve it with a lot of gymnastics, but I'm still ok.
I. N. Bulgaria
Hello! I would like to re-order a 12 month household bill payment estimate. From the month of February 2024 until now, I have been making payments according to the dates you provided me and I can say that I always have money, they even increased my salary even a little. I am about to take out a mortgage loan and I would like to be prepared in advance with appropriate payment dates and, if possible, to match the installment on the upcoming loan.
G. P. Bulgaria
For me, the manifestation with the payment of the dates was interesting. We got a loan from my dad so we could go on a vacation, which it turned out we didn't have enough money for. Later he said that the given amount was a gift to us. And to prove that it was so, he gave my brother the same amount. Thanks! We continue to pay on the dates you calculated!
D. V. Bulgaria