Answers of Levzea

Hi, I wanted to know if my ex and I reconcile and when. My name is SP, female, born ***. His name is RV, male, born ***. Kind regards,SP Hi! With Tarot, I can't answer the question "WHEN?". The deadline should be included in the question itself. Since you haven't put one, and I don't know anything about your story, I put the maximum for tarot - 6 months.Will you reconcile with your ex within 6 months? He seems to me to be firmly standing on his current position. You haven't given information about whether you are married, but I get the feeling that you want a serious transformation and change on such a topic. In my opinion, the likelihood of you reconciling is small.There is some male figure with a weak will, it is possible that he has a problem with gambling or something else. I'm sorry, but I don't see a happy ending to the situation. Let the most correct and good happen! Be healthy!
Will I win my legal case by Jan 31st 2025? EN, Female, Ch, I. When will I get released from house Arrest? It's been about 2 years now that I've been on this electronic Monitor.
Hello again! I did a card spread with your real date of birth and... practically the same cards came out - what is right to happen will happen. I dared to ask if you are innocent, so that you can be released? It is very likely that in the end you are innocent in the eyes of the law, but perhaps still, in a purely human sense, not 100%. I suppose you know. May the most correct and good happen! Good luck!

Name:  JP,  DOB:  **** Femal, Single, Born:  **, Current Residence:  ** Question:  Can I expect some relief from this financial strain/economic burden I've experiencing recently?
Hi! I'm sorry for the delay in answering, but it's a very busy time of year for me right now.
I set a deadline for your question - 3 months. Will there be an improvement in your financial situation within 3 months? The deadline may not be exactly that, but I really hope I'm right that there will be an improvement. I don't know what you do, but according to the cards, things should be somehow related to self-employment, although you have fears and concerns about finances.
There is some opportunity around you or that may appear soon, which would be good for you to notice and use. Don't be too self-confident, and don't trust overly tempting offers for quick profit, this is not serious. More attention, patience and perseverance are needed. Good luck and let the best happen!

Dear Levzeya, Thank you for your message. I understand my error in the initial email. I'm interested in the outcome from my question through your guidance and tarot. My career outlook has been challenging due to circumstances beyond my control, but I have not given up hope. I take action as soon as opportunities appear and apply, accordingly. Please, can you advise if I will receive an offer/contract for work within a month (November 2024)? Thank you, in advance for your love and guidance. S. Hi! I was asking if you will receive a job offer by the end of November 2024? According to my interpretation of the cards, rather No. I think you made some kind of emotional choice that led to a difficult financial situation. Another thing I see is that the roots of your stability are connected to your past, maybe even where your childhood was or where you studied. Or where your father or other authority figure in your life is. It's like you need to turn a page now and connect with your roots. Good luck! Let the best happen!

Hello Levzeya,  I'm from *** and my name is MP. I'm married from past 1.5 years back and have been seperated from my husband DP from past 6 months.... He is not at all interested in me and is his mom's puppet. His family , friends are more important to him than me right from marriage and I've been suffering right from my marriage. All I'm expecting from him is to realize the value of wife and to give me his time and attention all the time and I have really loved him and hoping to get back with him , is there possibility and when will I get back with him ? Please answer this as I'm losing hopes waiting from 6 months. Will we be reunited by November 2023.
Hi! Unfortunately I don't see you get together in this term. Yes, he shows the influence of a very powerful woman (probably his mother). I also see that you care about your marriage and want it to be full, but he has put things in "scraps", i.e. in pause, postpones decision-making.
I also set a longer deadline for asking - up to 6 months if it will happen. I still don't see a reunion. I don't see divorce either (I don't know if your culture allows it). I just don't see your singleness changing. I'm sorry.
Apparently you yourself have to decide whether to keep waiting or change something.
Let the best happen! Good luck!


Dear Levzeya. I was born on the *** in ***, and now I live in ***. I have been trying to get a job that I can do for a long time, so now I am kind of desperate. Please ask for a period of three months.

Thank you for your help. Best regards N.

Hello N!  I'm very sorry for the answer I see in the tarot, but I don't see you starting work in this period, which really reflects badly on you.
Over a period of 6 months, the cards become more positive, but I'm not sure if it's a start to work or just some positive development related to your family, and maybe home if it's far away now.
It should get better and easier for you!
I wish you luck and success from the bottom of my heart!


Hello mam my name is NG from ***. I am a female, unmarried. My question is will I get married with my love S. within 6 months or my marriage will be arranged?
Hello! I don't see up to 6 months of marriage with you, neither related to the person you are asking about, nor an arranged marriage. In my opinion, you will have changes in your life that will not bring you joy, and you will try to change this with another change, with some new beginning for yourself. In the longer term, you should achieve something good and satisfying for yourself, but I don't think it will be very soon. However, the important thing is that there is a chance that you will be satisfied.
Health and luck! Hope the best happens for you!


Hello, I would like to ask if a man named T. will be my lover. The question period is then 6 months. My name is S., married, from ***. T. is born on ***, married, from ***. Thank you. Best regards, S.
Hi! According to my interpretation of the cards, there may be one-time sex, but I don't think there will be anything more. Most cards speak of a pause if there has already been a real relationship, or that they will not be started at all if there are no real ones. Having other partners is also a serious obstacle because it requires caution. And I can see that there is an emotion between you two, but I think that it would be very difficult to grow into a more serious relationship.
Let the most correct and good happen!  BR, Levzeya


Hello Levzeya, I'm AA, male and from ***. I'd like clarity if my ex and I will reconcile. Background - 2022 started horribly for me. I was let go from my previous employer 3 months ago. At the same time, I had a break up with my ex SS. I still miss her very much.  Thank you very much Levzeya for your help and reading.
Hello! I asked if in 3 months you will get along and reunite with your ex-girlfriend Sofia? Unfortunately for you (although basically everything that happens is good) - I do not see you reunite. There may be moments of friendship, of maintaining communication as such, but I don't think your relationship will be renewed. For you, she may be ideal for a woman, but she has other ideas about life and relationships.
I think that you will pass and you will be able to look at life in a new way, for a new beginning, you just need a little time.
Good luck and health! Let the best happen at the right time! BR, Levzeya


Hi Levzeya, Hope you are doing alright. I would like to thank you for answering a tarot question for my birthday. Name: YK. Question: Will I meet someone in the next 6 months with whom I can foresee a stable future? Background:  After my breakup 2 years ago I have been working on meditating and working out besides my work. Although I date, I am very selective about the person I like to spend some time with. I am wondering whether I will be able to meet such a person at some point in the next 6 months. Thanks in advance.Y. Hi! Have a lot of health, luck and happiness in your new personal year! Many controversial cards came out in response to your question. On the one hand, I see that you are already very much hoping to meet a new and suitable person. On the other hand, I see that you are still very cautious and insecure about yourself and the circumstances of life. There is still a lot of energy of depression and fear in you that you will come across the wrong person. I think it's possible to meet a person and fall in love, but because of all this mixture of energies, he may not be very suitable. Listen to your intuition, let it guide you!


Name sally DOB. 17 October 1989 Female Nigerian Question will I get married soon and to who Hi! You did not give any details in your letter - do you have a real relationship at the moment, is a marriage being prepared, etc. I make tarot arrangements for up to 6 months. To the question "for whom?" I can't answer, there is no list of names to the cards ...
I asked about you: Will you get married in 6 months?
According to my interpretation, it is very likely that this will happen, but I do not see it as your will and desire as if ... I think you love someone, but I'm not sure if he is the person you will marry. Events come out of your will and desires. Something you want to escape, but I don't know if you will succeed. Let the right and good happen! Be healthy and be lucky!


Hi and thank you for accepting my question.  Name: SM. My husband: ZUAJ. Q: My husband is been charged for something he did not commit. But because of corrupt People Come together to pin a crime on him the court gave him a 3 years sentence. He appealed and they still gave him 3 years. It seems that they are not interested in knowing the truth. He has appealed again and we are waiting for the outcome. Will he be found innocent or will he still get 3 years or less? Here in our country if you behave you only stay in prison 2/3 of your sentence so in fact the prison time will actually be 2 years and some months. Thanx in advance. Regards S.

Hi! I asked if your husband would receive an acquittal from the court after your next appeal? The cards are not definite in their answer. They show that it is very likely that there will be more justice than before, that more things will be clarified and that in general it will bring joy after all. But there is no definite answer to justifying it. So I asked in another way - will your husband be released from prison after another appeal? Unfortunately, I don't think they will release him. Hopefully at least there is a change in the length of the sentence, because of the first better cards. Be healthy! Let the best happen to everyone! Good luck!


H! RP, Singl, India. AA, Single,India. He has been my friends for a couple of years but currently we are on no talking terms due to some arguments. We have never been able to get into a relationship for some or other reasons. Ques: Will he convert our friendship into a relationship? 

Hello! Please excuse me for the delay, but I have many letters in my mail in Bulgarian with questions and yours was buried among them. According to my interpretation of the cards, in the next 6 months / I set such a deadline for your question /, you will remain just friends. I don't see any other thoughts in him. You probably have a good friendship and good energy flowing between you and exchanging, but ... that's it. Several cards have come out showing male figures - of strict men who are practical and unemotional. If it's not cards that show him, it could be other people influencing the situation - brother, father, friends, something like that. Let the best and right happen! Be healthy! Good luck and all the best in life!


Hi there, I always read the horoscopes on your website because they are insanely accurate. Thanks so much for everything you post. I saw that everyone is able to send you one question for a free reading so here is mine:  My name is KdV, female, single, from the N. My question is: will I be in a real relationship within the next 6 months? Thanks in advance!
Hello! On the cards that came out, unfortunately I do not see within 6 months to start a new, real relationship with a man. Something may come up, but I wouldn't say it will be serious and stable. Rather just for fun. You yourself look quite hesitant. Are you sure exactly what kind of relationship you want? In my opinion, it is very likely that you are still recovering from a previous injury and disappointment. Obviously, a little more time must pass for something new and good to happen. You may need to ask what you can and should do to start such a relationship. I wish you good luck! Be healthy! BR, Levzeya


WС, Wife, RS, Husband. In **** my husband and I migrated to the ** from ** as self-funded pensioners having several personal assets.  We came to help our daughter by looking after her children while she and her husband worked.  In late **** we lost our main source of income (private business) in our home country and have since sold our only remaining asset there.  We now have spent all our savings such that our rent and some living expenses are now being paid for by our two children who take monthly turns doing so.  We are not allowed to apply for the age pension from our home country as this would require us to go back and live there continuously for 2 years.  This is not an option as it would jeopardize our ** status while we are on a 5-year ancestry visa plus another 1-year extension if we wish to apply for ** citizenship. Additionally we do not have access to ** government funds which puts us in a severe poverty situation.  Do you feel there could be some divine intervention or some sort of financial assistance in the next 6 months to help us out of this seriously depressing situation? Thank you very much for your reply.
Hello! I'm sorry for the delay, but my mail is cluttered with letters, and I have a limited capacity to respond for free because I still have to make a living from something.
I asked the Tarot cards how will you manage financially in the next 6 months? I do not see any improvement or deterioration. For me, this is a period in which you will have to decide exactly what to do. To clarify how to act. You have help and support from friends or relatives. Your husband, in my opinion, accepts help from the family more easily. However, you are very worried and anxious. There is some discrepancy in how each of you perceives the situation. I think the cards say that you will have to make a decision on your own, without divine intervention. Let the right and good thing happen for you and for everyone! Be healthy and blessed!


Hello Madam, my name is VT, i'm from M., female, and question would be...if i will be again in a loving partnership in 2020? Thank you in advance Sincerely VT. Hello! The cards show that you are a very self-sufficient woman. You weigh all the pros and cons a lot before deciding on a man. Although, you're still open to contacts and you're probably looking for them, by the end of this year I still don't see you starting a real relationship. There may be communication, correspondence, but at the moment I see only that much. With additional cards, however, I saw that you will probably meet love for yourself, but in a slightly longer period. I wish you health and good luck!


Hello, Today is my Birthday. Details are - My Name - C. My Wife - K. Person I am in Love with is AP. I want to divorce my wife and AP wants to divorce her Husband but due to financial situation, we can not do. I have one kid and she has two kids. We are happy to have kids raised by us. She is trying to establish a new business and not earning at present.  On **.**. 2019, we went to Temple and in front of God, we kind of married. We can not see our legal partners aa our Husband/wife now. Question is - if I will separate from my wife in next 6 months?
Hello! Unfortunately, I do not think you will be able to divorce your wife in 6 months. In my opinion, she will try to procrastinate and look for a truce and reasons to keep your marriage by all means she can think of. It can be good, or it can be rude and unpleasant. There are many ambiguities on this issue that may gradually begin to appear on the surface. At the moment, I think things depend on her. It will not be easy for you. But it may not be impossible. Try to talk and convince her that this way everyone will have a chance for new happiness. Let the right and good happen! I wish you good luck! BR, Levzeya


Hi, name - SS, here you come from  - k, India. Question: I am supposed to get a job offer this coming week, will I get it?
Hello! There is no definite answer to your question. The cards don't say no, but they don't say yes. In my opinion, if you do not receive a real offer, you will at least clarify the situation. I think the expected information is related to a man-friend. You yourself are hesitant about what you are waiting for. There may be some suggestion related to travel. Let the best and right happen for you! I wish you success!


Dear Levzeya, My name is LS, female, widowed, from S. I left P. on ** March, as my 90 days were up. I bought a house in P. last year and I was stupid as not knowing that I need a visa from my home country, S, in order to apply a residency permit in P. Hence I have to return to S on ** March, and not expecting the covid-19 pandemic turns out to be so cruel. My residency visa process is on hold as regulated by P. government. My question is when will I be able to return to P. where my home is and where I have 3 dogs that came with me last year from S, waiting for my return. I miss them terribly. Hope to hear an answer from your goodself. Regards, LS Hello! With Tarot cards I can't answer "When?" Questions because they don't have a calendar for them. So I asked: Will you be able to return to P. in 3 months? Unfortunately, the cards show that there will be more delays. I really want to be wrong in this case and of course it can be, but ... for now this shows Tarot. For a longer period of 3 months, a solution could already be found and there would be a positive development. Let the best and right happen to you! Be healthy! BR, Levzeya


Hi Levzea: My name is XS, I normally go by the name M. I am a male, born at H, China, and I currently reside in C, Canada. I am currently in a difficult financial situation and must sell my house, will I be able to sell my house in a short time while receiving a decent amount for the sale? Thank you very much for your help. Hi! I asked: Will you be able to sell your house in the short term and at a good price? "Short term" is pretty much indefinable, but suppose you know exactly what it means. I find it very difficult. The answer is NO, but not YES. In my opinion, the problem will be to achieve a good price in the short term. It will just be better, if it can be slower, you will have better results then. So, I think you will need to seek a reasonable compromise as a solution to the problem. May you succeed! I wish you luck and success! BR, Levzeya


Good morning, I am responding to the free tarot reading mentioned on Facebook. My name is LVDB. I am ** years old and live in J, SA. I am singl. My question is related to my romantic life. I have been unable to meet  a man with whom I can establish a long term/life partnership. I want to know if my soul mate in this lifetime exists? When do the cards show that I will meet him. Regards, L. Hi! I asked if within 6 months you would meet and start a relationship with a man, your soulmate, with whom you have a stable and lasting relationship? Unfortunately, tarot cards show that you live with the past, memories and nostalgia. Yes, you have hopes and dreams, but there are unclean things from the past, and that hinders the present. Also, you are probably someone who has a hard time admitting others to themselves. You are quite independent and independent, strong, and men find it difficult to accept and get used to it. You may also be a proud person, you would not ask for help or you would have a hard time. However, there is hope for such a man if you change your character a little. And after a longer period of 6 months. Be healthy! Have luck, happiness and success!


Name: SМ, I-a. Hi! I am ** years old and I'm looking for marriage. I have a friend called RP who lives in the same city as me. We have been hooking up occassionally and we are also a part of the same social circle. I like him. He used to message me and talk to me everyday but he doesn't anymore. I want to know the future of this relationship and whether I will get married to him. Thank you!
Hi! I asked the Tarot cards if within 6 months, your relationship will really go deep? I'm sorry, but I think there's another woman involved. Therefore, your relationship is unlikely to deepen. I think you will probably realize this and start looking in the other direction. Let the right and the good happen! Good luck!


Hi levzeya I must say I love your work keep up the good work. My full name is PPM. I live in SA,  I'm a Sagittarius and my boyfriend is a Pisces, is there future between us marriage or kids? Or I'm wasting my time with him. His name is DJL we are good at the moment even though we some times we have disagreements but we are good.
Hello! I asked if there would be a serious development of your relationship within a year, with the idea of ​​having children?I want to be wrong, but according to my card interpretation, your friend is not ready for a family. He thinks he can still "live" freely. You seem to be moving at a different pace. You think you have to hurry, but he does not. This is disappointing. I think next year you will make the important decision whether you are together or not. It is very likely that you will remain friends, I am not sure and you will be divorcing, but I think your relationship will not lead to a family. If this is very important to you, it is probably good to have a serious conversation in order to make your decision. I wish you the best! Good luck!


Dear Levzeya, My name is YK (unmarried, female). I was born in **, India. I met my ex-boyfriend in **, Netherlands. His name is MV(unmarried, male). I am currently staying with him in ** though we broke-up in March this year since has was insecure and didn't trust me (partly due to my own actions though I never cheated on him). I am planning to go back to India this year, but wanted to know if we will reunite in a relationship in the next 6 months. I love him and think that he loves me as well, though I think he might now be seeing someone else (I am not sure). Best regards,Y Hello! Unfortunately, from what Tarot showed, I think you will not get together for the next six months. Doubts, fears, uncertainties have ruined your relationship. I see a certain dishonesty, perhaps egoism ... It is very possible around him to have another woman. I think he will keep his position on your separation unchanged. I wish you the best and the right thing to do! Success!

Hi, dear Levzeya. My name is K, I am female. I have a court case on me. My question is if my court will have a happy ending within 6 months? Thanx in advance!
Hello! Excuse me for my delay, but there were 4 holiday days with us. According to my Tarot interpretation, up to 6 months you should be lucky with the development of your case. It is very likely that familiar people or friends will help you. Keep in mind that the cards are positive but are not clear. They show a lot of effort and struggle, but luck. I wish you to succeed fairly!

Hi my name is nlk female single I am from L.  I moved to S. in febuary 2019 I have had too many situation so I do not know which situation to ask about  but i would like to ask what do the cards say in regards to me am I okay I do not know if I will be okay I'm having a bird continue to visit me even if I move towns the bird comes what does it want thank you kindly Hello! Your question is a bit strange, but I asked about the bird - what is it and what she wants to tell you? According to my interpretation, this is something like your personal potential and inspiration. He wants to provoke you to open the door to your happiness and health, because you have somehow blocked this energy at the moment. It is good to stop worrying. Set clear goals and have a clear plan on how to achieve them. You have an inner strength to use. Try to deal with things that bring you joy and satisfaction, something to please and fill your heart. Good luck and success!

Hi Levzeya, Name : CH/ male/ married (divorce under process). As I mentioned, I am getting divorced soon. My question is - will I meet/be with a new partner within next 6 months? Hello! Even though divorce is something that matters to you, I think you will have a chance for a new partner over the next 6 months. You will have this opportunity, but I'm not sure if you will use it. The cards look pretty positive and I hope the best will happen to you. In any case, it looks like you will feel good and with hope and security for a new, beautiful life. I wish you luck and happiness!

Hi Levzeya,  My question for you is: I’m in a kind of platonic relationship with a man N. who lives abroad. Seems we suit very well but at the same time I feel he is not so in to me. I’m traveling near his city in April but he said will not come to meet me. Am I losing my time with him, is this thing going somewhere good? My name is E. I’m a single female. Thanks, E. Hello! Unfortunately, I do not see a love development of this relationship with N. For me, this is a very self-centered person, probably loving to receive attention but does not like to give it. To tell you honestly, from what I see in Taro, I can not find out exactly what the relationship is about, maybe because there are really no such ... I will not be surprised if he has a relationship with another woman, though there things do not look serious. In my opinion, if you are not looking for a person with whom you simply communicate online, it may not make sense to waste your time here.

Hi levzeya! My name is DP,  I will ask that will we move back to USA within 1 year from Angola? . My husband has a temporary job assignment in Africa. We are citizens of USA .Thanks Hello! I did not get a single answer to Taro for the 1 year term. Your question seems to have financial implications. The money you have to earn, get it. Perhaps there are things with documents that need to be settled more slowly. I also put some additional cards to try to see a more categorical and clear answer, but there are more things that are not unique and they have to find their solution before you go to the US. I wish you luck and success!

Hi, My name is A. and i am from Pakistan . My question is i resign my previous job but now i dun have a job ... now i can go for the interview can u please tell me i m selected for this job or not ... please reply fast... I am very thankful to u.. Hello! Unfortunately, I think they are unlikely to take you to the job where you were interviewed now. You have done well, I think, but probably have other candidates and some other considerations. You'll probably have to keep looking. Do not despair! Think positively, every evil is for the better! I wish you good luck!