TAROT Reading. Ask Levzea

I hope that the magic herb, Levzea, can give light and hope through the symbols and language of TAROT to everyone who seeks answers and advice from him through me. I discovered this Path of Self-Knowledge and Self-Development for myself more than ten years ago. Since then, he has never stopped to excite and inspire me, and I keep trying to inspire and help and support others, according to my powers and capabilities.
TAROT is a magic instrument, a bridge between our Higher Self, who knows everything and our earthly mind, here and now, with the help of which we cope in our everyday life. I will be happy to help you with answers to questions. Questions should be sent to e-mail: [email protected]. Please do not send questions about health, treatment or energy interventions / spells /. I reserve the right not to respond to such inquiries.
To get a correct answer, you need to write down your name and date of birth, male/female, married/single, where you come from as well as those of the person you are asking if the question concerns another person. Please set deadlines for issues that concern events but no longer than 6 months. Provided you have not set a deadline and the question requires it - the time will be added to my judgment. Each of you, once, has the right to a free question that will be posted on the site only with your initials.
ABOUT PERSONAL PAID READING: Price for 1 question – 14 Еuro, for 2 questions – 26 Еuro, for 3 questions – 33 Еuro and 39 Еuro for 4 questions. The scope of a TAROT reading includes answers to clear and specific questions about the development of a situation or advice for best action on a person or problem. Replies for a paid consultation will be sent within 3 to 5 business days on personal email after a payment has been made. Payment methods are specified in personal correspondence via PayPal, Western Union or a bank account.
The cost for emergency responses within 24 hours after payment is 30% higher than the standard.