Virgo Monthly Horoscope January, 2025

In January, Virgos can prepare for new opportunities related to career or education. It is good to pay attention to suggestions that can improve your professional development or contribute to your personal growth. A new job opportunity, project or training may appear and be particularly useful and promising for you. It's important to realistically evaluate the benefits and assess how these news and opportunities align with your long-term goals.
Also, this month, Virgos should make the most of their organizational skills and attention to detail to optimize new opportunities and make the most of them. It is advisable to communicate more with colleagues and friends to discuss with them the specific proposals and possibly get valuable advice.
This month brings the entry of many new things into your life, which will mainly appear through already established connections, friendships and relationships. During this month, you will experience the success of a person from your home or a close relative.
The important decisions that you are about to make in the family should be well thought out and evaluated in order to avoid any risks or stressful situations.
Develop a practical and realistic approach to problem solving this month.
In January, a change in the home where you live or a move to a new apartment, appearance of new neighbors, etc. is possible. This month you will attend a gathering related to a baby or a child. The new friendships you will make in January will develop in an interesting way for you. During this month, you will have more complicated or tense relationships related to various financial matters or documents.
January will be a very interesting month for you, but some of the chances that will arise during this period will have a slow development during the year. A person with whom you do not work together will have a favorable influence in your work or plans.
Boys and girls will be lucky in new ventures related to an exam, presentations, starting a new activity, a new job or a new relationship. Your commitments or responsibilities that you will have towards the home you live in and the family you belong to will also have a good development. This will be a favorable month for actions related to your home, accommodation and generally housing that you are using at this moment.
Men will engage in various documents, contractual relationships, tax payments or insurance. During this month, you may renew your professional contract or agreement related to a certain activity that you will engage in for a short period of time. Many news and events will make this month dynamic for you. Phone calls will sometimes tire you out.
Women will have complicated relationships with men who will be older or in a higher social (business) position. Your relationships with men, whether they are part of your family, colleagues or friends, are unlikely to undergo any change. The interest that a person will show in you, your family or work may puzzle you and cause doubt or cause for reflection.

Horoscope February 2025 which includes monthly forecast + weekly horoscopes for the month can be purchased through  PAY PAL or ETSY. The price of each one horoscope is 4.00 euro and paypal email is: [email protected] Please leave a note with horoscope name and zodiac sign to [email protected]


Virgo Monthly Horoscope December 2024

If you were born under the sign of Virgo, at the beginning of December you will feel the influence of the aspect of Venus, which will make a sextile with Neptune on December 4th and 5th. This transit will stimulate not only your intuition, but will also help develop clairvoyant abilities and anything that requires some imagination. These days will be a favorable time for achieving harmony in love, marriage, family.
In general, it is a month ahead of you in which you will have more responsible, future-defining professional or business commitments. The unemployed or those looking for a new job will have the opportunity to find work, but in general it is good to consider both your options and the specific situation where you live.
This month you will have several interesting gatherings or virtual conversations, and they will be with your friends or like-minded people in some common cause.
It is possible that new neighbors, roommates or other changes in the area where you live may appear in your life this month.
A relative's health will require attention or the need for special care and observation.
In December, you will receive news related to an incident with a person you know.
During this month, many will have the opportunity to revive an old friendship, but a distance will be maintained in your relationship.
During this period, you may experience separation from a relative or a friend due to a trip to another city or country.
Romantic relationships with your love partner will develop dynamically, and they will follow the development of your relationship so far.
Events in the life of a girl or a woman from your family will be an occasion for emotional conversations, making decisions, giving help, etc.
This month will favor the beginning of a new love with a person with whom you will have interesting intellectual or other points of contact.
Some events in December may have a slow development, as they will remain relevant well into the beginning of the next year.
There will be temporary tension around a trip or the expenses that will arise around it.
New circumstances or changes in travel-related plans may arise this month or next.
Boys and girls will try to provide themselves with enough emotional and mental comfort this month. The ways to do this will be different and individual.
It is possible to plan this month an important purchase for you and the possible organization/providing of resources for it.
Men will have to approach various situations in their personal or family life very carefully, especially when they are related to a woman, whether she is a relative, wife, lover, etc. This month you are about to part ways with some people due to various life reasons or circumstances, both in your life and in theirs.
Women will focus on the correct and practical distribution and use of monetary resources. Some of you may purchase gifts or household essentials using a variety of monthly payment methods or credit. Your love life will be important because it will show whether you have achieved any success or not during the year. Genuine relationships based on trust, common interests and goals will flourish this month. The rest will follow their individual development of highs and lows until it is realized whether they have a future or not.
During the last two days of the month, the new moon will bring you unexpected experiences that will definitely leave a very bright mark in your life. I hope mostly positive ones!
Merry Christmas and many pleasant experiences with your loved ones!