Taurus Weekly Horoscope 20 - 26 January, 2025
For the week of January 20 - 26, you will make some plans in advance, mainly related to matters of a material or property nature. They are likely to begin their development this week and engage your attention for the next few months.
During this week, your relationships at work with colleagues, with clients or with an employer will be more unclear or problematic. It is possible that the tension from the end of the past year will now have some effect on your relationship. At times it may be more difficult for you to fulfill your professional duties or you will encounter various obstacles and difficulties more often.
During the week, you may meet your former colleagues or classmates in real life or through social networks. Through them you can learn interesting news about your mutual acquaintances.
Your relationship with a female family member, such as a mother, grandmother, sister, etc., will be delicate because of her changeable moods or reluctance to understand things that are a priority for you at the moment. In general, the differences between you will be due to differences in generations and in the way you take things in life.
During the week, you will have opportunities to get together, you will be able to experience pleasant emotions, but above all, be reasonable in your entertainment and beware of accidents of any nature.
Boys and girls will enjoy letters, phone calls or messages from friends near and far.
During the week, you will have the desire to implement a change, but you will have to wait for a more suitable time. For now, accumulate information, knowledge, develop the necessary contacts. Be patient!
During this week, most expectations of men will be related to the development of their personal or love life. During these seven days, the future of some new romantic relationships created in recent weeks and months will be decided. Actions or comments related to your work can provoke reflections about your own status and how satisfied you are with your current position or salary. Be careful with hasty conclusions and decisions.
During the week, women will experience a conflict related to a person who may be a colleague, neighbor or acquaintance. The week heralds the birth of a child or a special holiday associated with a baby or toddler. During these seven days you will have various cares or concerns related to people near and far.
If you have to travel, then this will happen by overcoming various obstacles or difficulties.