Aquarius Weekly Horoscope 29 April - 5 May, 2024

During the week of April 29 - May 5, be cautious of provoking unpleasant conflicts with hasty comments or actions. Avoid discussing other people's lives in a negative light.
You may receive news this week that gives you hope for the realization of your work-related plans. If you receive an invitation or offer to travel during the summer months, it's best to wait and see how events unfold in the country you plan to travel to.
You may experience events related to people you know that lead to reflecting on life's twists and turns. These events may also result in conversations with various people who are related to them.
Be prepared for more serious conflicts with family or relatives this week, as they may relate to differences over important financial or property matters. If a relative or friend surprises you with their actions or decisions, it's best to refrain from offering unsolicited advice or opinions.
Boys and girls may experience a week of unclear personal situations or concerns, such as at school or work. Avoid discussing other people's personal lives and making promises without careful consideration. Pay attention to your actions and attitude towards those you come into contact with during the week.
Men may receive emotional news or information that may prompt them to seek personal gain. Be cautious of sharing confidential information about others. Commenting on family events or plans may be on the agenda this week, and some may receive invitations to important family events. Love may also be a priority this week.
Women may experience an unstable mood, unclear ideas or dreams for the future, and may be easily influenced by others. Be careful with financial decisions and avoid risks or emotional actions. Be cautious in your dealings with unknown or unverified individuals who may pose a financial risk. Overall, financial matters may have a more favorable outcome for family members born under this zodiac sign.

Aquarius Weekly Horoscope 22 - 28 April, 2024

During the week of April 22 - 28, you will have to resolve some unpleasant situations in your life with greater organization, patience and will.
This is a favorable time to clear up unpromising commitments and relationships, things that cause you discomfort and stress.
During these seven days, you will be able to achieve harmony in your love or family relationships, sometimes at the cost of compromise on one side or the other.
You may please yourself or your loved ones with some purchase or acquisition.
During this week, you will not be able to control events, but you will be able to take some part in them.
Don't dwell too intently on things you expect to happen, and don't dramatically accept their postponement or rejection for fulfillment.
Learn to follow the natural course of events in your life as well as those that affect the society where you live.
This week will be unfavorable for traveling for work or business purposes, and if it does become necessary, be prepared to overcome various unexpected situations.
This will be a challenging week for work related to travel, tourism, or work that requires communication and logistics with other countries.
Boys and girls will experience pleasant emotions with classmates or friends who, like you, will be enthusiastic about the new season in nature. The new hues of colors around you will fill you with energy and the desire to create new things, to surprise your loved ones with your skills or achievements. An unexpected meeting or new acquaintance will bring additional emotions to this eventful week. In all this euphoria that will reign around you, it will be good to find time to be alone with yourself, reflecting on the experience and on what you consider to be your priority in the coming days.
Men will need to take a few steps back, take another look at a job they thought was finished, or reflect on a relationship you decided to end. A health ailment can show you the limits of your options, what you shouldn't do or what you shouldn't eat. The week may involve you with a health or family problem in the life of a loved one.
Women will be in the mood to travel, to communicate more with people from different distances, to welcome guests or to participate in various friendly or social gatherings. During this week, an event in the life of a person from your circle of relatives can be an occasion for a gathering or for more dynamic conversations on the phone with relatives and friends. During this week, despite the favorable trends that it brings with it, you should not allow yourself to be distracted. Such behavior can make someone want to harm you in some way.