Sagittarius Weekly Horoscope 29 April - 5 May, 2024

During the week of April 29 - May 5, you will be unexpectedly burdened by some preliminary plans with friends, which will generally be interesting or important to you. Unfortunately, other commitments will arise in the meantime, which will be the cause of the corresponding tension.
Your relationships with new friends or colleagues will be somewhat interesting for you, with their unpredictability or emotionality.
Although your new acquaintances will be interesting, you will not rush to trust. You will want to research the person thoroughly before you let them in on you.
During this week you will have to take a more serious look at problems within your own family or home. You don't need to be reminded that the stability of your family relationship is largely up to you. The troubles you have at the moment are not so great. They will be resolved and overcome within a few days.
Rather, you will have to pay attention to the internal tension that you have accumulated recently and the ways to get rid of it. Avoid provoked or unprovoked conflicts with your neighbors or tenants.
Do not take seriously attempts to interfere in your life by people outside your family.
During the week, the health of a woman who will need some treatment or therapy will require attention.
Boys and girls will go through a week of worries related to mistakes or troubles that have already occurred. You'll want to tackle them yourself, but you'll lack the necessary resources or life experience. In most cases, these things will be related to your education or career. My advice is to talk to such people who can offer you a diplomatic or reasonable way to deal with these challenges. During the week, concerns related to health ailments or other serious troubles in the life of your colleague or classmate are possible.
Men will have enough tasks at home and in their family, which will require them not to waste their time and act more organized in all their commitments. The week brings the possibility of a gathering at your home or with relatives on a special occasion. For some of you, these seven days will be remembered by buying a new home, a new property or moving into a new residence. Events in the life of a person who has a family or friendly relationship with you will be the occasion for many comments and conversations.
Women will have reason to communicate more with a variety of people near and far who are part of your family or circle of relatives. You will expect important and useful information for you, on the basis of which you will build your plans for this month or for the summer season. This week will be filled with events that will be very emotional, but will hardly have a long-term meaning in your life.

Sagittarius Weekly Horoscope 22 - 28 April, 2024

During the week of April 22 - 28, you will have the opportunity and it will be good for you to finish important commitments with a loved one or with someone with whom you are connected professionally.
In general, the week will favor actions related to children and young people, whether they are in your own family or your work is related to them.
This will be a favorable week for conception or for the birth of a long-awaited child.
During these seven days, your financial affairs will require attention, whether it's direct relationships or online payments.
Be careful with the details or terms so you don't experience unpleasant disappointment or find yourself the target of a scam.
During this week, many of you will receive unpleasant news related to a relative or a friend who lives in another city or country.
This will be an emotional travel week for those of you who use your own transport.
It will be very important that you are confident that your vehicle is in good condition and that you follow the rules of the road.
This week will require a more decisive resolution of troubles with a person from your circle of relatives or friends who tries to take advantage of your kindness or your personal contacts.
Boys and girls will be busy looking for difficult but necessary solutions to get out of troubles that have already arisen in the family, at school, or where you work. It is possible that you missed the right moment for their smooth resolution, and now such actions will turn out to be much more difficult, requiring unpleasant compromises or some kind of loss, retreat on your part. During this week, be careful with your personal documents and phone, which may be subject to theft, unwanted curiosity about the information you store in them.
Men will have expectations of a more emotionally and tension-free week, but the extent to which these things happen will depend largely on your actions in the previous week. This is especially true for anything related to money, various payments, financial documents and the like. During the week, be careful in general activities that you will have with other men or promises that you will exchange with them. If you have an expectation of receiving financial support from another person, disappointment is not excluded.
Women are likely to take an unrealistic view of the implementation of their plan or idea that they intend to commit to this week. You may be relying on a promise that won't be fulfilled or money that you don't actually have at the moment. Greater tension during these seven days will inevitably affect your health. Do not allow manipulative actions by people around you, because they are definitely not for your good.