Virgo Monthly Horoscopes October and November 2024

Monthly Horoscopes October and November 2024 which include monthly forecast + weekly horoscopes for the entire month can be purchased through  PAY PAL online shop ETSY. The price of each one horoscope is 4.00 euro and paypal email is: [email protected] Please leave a note with horoscope name and zodiac sign to [email protected] 

Virgo Monthly Horoscope September 2024

Welcome, Autumn!

From August 29 to September 1, 2024
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If you were born under the sign of Virgo, for you the influence of retrograde Uranus from September 1 to January 30, 2025 can bring unexpected changes and developments in your life. As the planet of change, Uranus can be a cause of instability and unexpected situations that will affect your life and relationships.
When Uranus is stationary, people born under the sign of Virgo may experience a sense of stagnation and impasse. This can prompt you to rethink your goals and plans, and look for new ways to get through these challenges.
In other words, this transit of Uranus can make you rethink your life carefully and make the necessary changes for your better future.
On the other hand, this transit can bring you unexpected situations and problems that will require you to show flexibility and adapt to new things.
In September, you will experience pleasant emotions related in some way to travel or to people from far away.
Many will use the weekends to go somewhere for a short vacation or to meet up with loved ones.
During this month, expect joyful news or events with people who live far away from you. It is possible that they will visit you or that you will meet them on some occasion.
During this month you will have concerns and worries related to your relatives. In fact, the truth is that you are worrying unnecessarily about things developing in the best way for you or for them.
Expect a successful completion of a serious problem related to your colleague, client or manager.
In September, you will want to clear your home of unnecessary items that you feel are affecting you negatively or bringing up sad memories.
Financially, this will not be your best month of the year, but it should not be thought that you are facing a serious crisis. What will be required of you is that your expenses are well planned and considered.
Concerns will arise about the health of a woman who lives near you or is your relative.
Boys and girls will receive unpleasant news or go somewhere on an unpleasant occasion. There is a possibility that you will be drawn into a conflict for which you will find yourself unprepared. The result will make you sad, disappointed, or angry with yourself for your impulsive actions.
Men will face some unexpected situations or troubles in September, which will be due to some local or world events. It is possible that you will undergo unexpected changes in your work, you will have to change your plans for this month in accordance with various new circumstances. A time is coming when you will have to make plans for your future in a new way, judiciously assessing specific events. Now is not the time to take risks, it is not the time to blindly follow your own desires or indulge your whims.
Women will be restless because of the ambiguity of some events that supposedly develop well, then fall into a kind of stagnation, and then go backwards, or turn again in some vicious circle. It will be difficult for you to make correct judgments about the situations you will experience this month. It may be in your best interest to take the advice of those close to you, but keep your own opinion about the specific events. Various familiar and unfamiliar people will provoke you into conflicts with their rude or impatient behavior. This will be your test to guard against such challenges and avoid them at all costs.


Virgo Monthly Horoscope August

If you were born under the sign of Virgo, in August do not limit yourself or your plans in any way. This will be a favorable month for investments, legal cases or business deals. You will probably make the most correct decisions for all the people for whom these affairs will be important, because your emotions and reason will be well balanced. ORDER YOUR LUNAR HOROSCOPE FROM NADIA
This will be an auspicious time to make bold plans for your future.
August brings various changes, sometimes associated with more serious moments of tension along your new ventures, which may have an initially unclear development in the future.
This month you will experience an important change in your life that will put some sort of separation between your present and your past. The development of events in this plan will at times be unexpected, unpredictable and therefore too stressful for you.
During this week, you will create and develop interesting and useful acquaintances and friendships that will have an important meaning in your life. These will be long lasting relationships for you.
This will be a month that you will remember with a little miracle or luck that you are about to experience.
An event from your past can cause moments of sadness, nostalgia or other similar moods.
Your main plans and expectations this month will be related in some way to your home, property or other type of property. You will have concrete plans on these topics, in which you will invest almost all your energy and resources, which will be an important prerequisite for achieving success.
During this month, you may need to buy a gift or make some gesture of attention to someone you've come to know recently.
Some of you will engage in property or material affairs with close relatives.
Your financial affairs will require attention this month, especially when they are related to the settlement of any contracts or agreements about which you previously felt worried or uncertain. In these things it is good to rely on your own intuition and exercise maximum caution.
In August, think carefully about the way you will solve some troubles, regardless of what they are related to. Leave emotions behind and avoid hasty decisions.
Those of you who will engage in a court or legal case will be able to count on satisfactory success.
Travels this month will require attention, as it is possible to miss some details of its organization, to forget some belongings or documents.
In August, you will meet or contact a person who will be ordered with a desire to conflict with you, with your family or with the institution that you represent.
Your love life will be aligned with the factors that have a presence in your individual horoscope for 2024.
During this month, you may experience various changes, receive interesting information or an offer related to your current job, education or career.
Girls and boys will have the opportunity to improve their financial situation even with additional minimum incomes.
Men will remember the middle of the year with some important decisions and changes. It will be important to you that their implementation does not create chaos or imbalance in your relationships or lifestyle.
Women will have a real opportunity to improve their financial situation, but this should not make you wasteful or only looking for quick ways to make money. Unfortunately, August brings the possibility of separation in families due to various life reasons.