Cancer Weekly Horoscope 21 - 27 October, 2024

During the week from October 21 to 27, you will be confused and even alarmed by the actions of your relative or friend. In this unclear situation, it is good to judge your words or actions very carefully. Do not be hasty or emotional in your reactions and comments.
The surprise for you this week will be related to a romantic acquaintance or meeting (if you are single), and this may be with a person outside your place of residence.
During your week, you will experience important events related to people who are currently far away from you.
During this week, you are in danger of succumbing to the influence of gossip or remarks, wasting your time with intrigues created by other people.
This will be a favorable week for correct decisions related to important changes in your life and for the first steps towards their realization.
If you have a commitment related to a lawsuit or a legal case, you will be able to expect a successful or favorable development at this stage.
Trouble with a child or a young person from your circle of friends or relatives will have an unexpected development.
Boys and girls will experience emotional or special moments with friends or peers. Your contacts with people with whom you have common interests or hobbies will fill you with positive emotions. During the week, an occasion for gathering can be a boy with whom you study or work together. An unpleasant news can show you that in life there are not only meetings, but also separations.
Men will be inspired by a new idea or project. The luck or chances that life will give you this week may be directed and used in the best way by you. An unexpected experience that you will witness will have a strong impact on your emotions and outlook on life.
Women will be inspired by a new venture, a new idea or a new friendship. Words or actions of close people will impress you. During these seven days, you will be pleased with a gift or attention from a woman who will be grateful to you for something. A very strong week, but also demanding a lot from you! Financially, you may experience some disappointment or inconvenience.

Cancer Weekly Horoscope 28 October - 3 November, 2024

During the week from October 28 to November 3, you may be emotionally and mentally burdened by some household problems or unexpected property commitments. They may be the result of your delusion, error, or other inadvertent actions on your part.
During the week, be careful what purchases you make, at what price and of what quality.
The week will be important for the development of your love relationships, and this is especially important for the unmarried representatives of this zodiac sign.
New acquaintances will be exciting and interesting, and already established ones will have a development that will give you greater clarity about the future of your relationship.
This week will favor making important decisions related to your love life.
During the week, you will have contacts with a person who lives in another settlement and with whom you know personally: that is, he can be your relative, friend or other acquaintance.
During this week, you will be pleased by a conversation or action by a loved one that will have a favorable impact on your plans or relationships.
Boys and girls will be lucky in their personal or professional affairs. Many will be making plans for their immediate future, for meetings or activities that they will commit to in the next week or two. Expect interesting experiences with your peers or with other people close to your age.
This week brings many unexpected events and experiences for men. Sometimes you will feel that some things are not happening to you, but that you are only spectators, or that you cannot control anything in your life during these days. Additional income opportunities will arise, but whether you take advantage of them will be strictly individual. Not everyone will want to give up their comfort and commit to more work.
Women will remember this week with slow movement, little or no development of their personal or professional plans. At some point, you will realize that this is actually best for you, as it will allow you to see more carefully some details or wait patiently for some other events to unfold. Your personal or professional relationships with colleagues, clients or managers will require attention this week.