Scorpio Weekly Horoscope 10 - 16 March, 2025
During the week of March 10 - 16, 2025, it will turn out that despite your good communication skills, during these seven days you will find it difficult to communicate with people who are well known for their stubbornness and unyielding character. They will easily hurt you with words, insults or accusations. The probability that you will oppose them in some way is high, but the results will definitely not be to your liking. If possible end this relationship. Stop subjecting yourself to such mental and emotional abuse.
During this week, you will experience unexpected disappointment or rejection of an idea or plan related to someone in your family.
You may experience a moment of panic or stress related to an accident or unpleasant event in the life of someone you know.
During this week, many of you will spend time talking or planning various affairs, the purpose of which will be to improve your family budget and increase its income.
There will be no shortage of opportunities for this, and it will all depend on your willingness to commit to more things. They will accordingly require more work and limit your free time.
The week will be favorable for traveling short or longer distances, especially for those related to certain tasks or commitments.
During this week, many will be happy about money or other pleasant news that they will receive from another settlement.
Boys and girls will be more concerned about the state of their personal budget, current or possible future sources of income. Those of you looking for a new or part-time job will be in luck in finding one.
Women will find more easily, intuitively or with the help of other people, rational solutions to family problems and difficulties.
The week may be marked by an important event for those of you who do not live alone, but conflicts with people outside your home can have a rather unpleasant development.
Men will consider their every step, as you will tend to take several risky actions, to commit to things about which you do not have enough knowledge.
Attention during the week will require information that you plan to share with friends. Disappointment after a while will be due to your "big mouth".