20 old beliefs to attract a lot of money

There are many superstitions about the necessity of attracting money and many ways to achieve this goal. English as saying: "Whoever has money problems, you should put in your pocket spider which wove there network and the money to stay for long." We do strum with coins when you hear the sound of the first cuckoo in spring. Until it reached faith to increase wealth, if you show money of young rising moon.
Moreover, there are some rules that you should observe.

1. coins and banknotes is better to take with the left hand and come back with the right.
2. they should not lend money on Monday and Sunday, because you can not return them.
3. worst day of the week to return to duty Monday. If you do, you will never have money.
4. The best is money to be given morning.
5. We must not give banknotes unfolded better denomination be folded in two.
6. it should not give anything to strangers over the threshold of the house, especially after sunset.
7. To not be displaced or washed from home money must be clean only by day.
8. If spilled coins from your purse, it is best to collect them with the right hand.
9. To achieve financial well-being in your new home, you have application to sprinkle the floor with silver coins.
10. Under the tablecloth should always keep a few notes.
11. If you want to give alms to a beggar on the street, you have to say to himself: "Do not become poor hand of the giver".
12. You must not watch the person to whom you give money, especially in the eyes.
13. You can make a box in which to save notes divisible by 10.
14. you should not lift coins off the floor.
15. Make your money tree home, which according to the beliefs of feng shui brings money, jingle with coins.
16. Each symbol of wealth should be kept in the southeastern corner of the living room. This angle favors "wealth".
17. It is best to store your money in red envelopes. You can even draw on them to characters meaning "prosperity" or simply tree.
18. purse should always have some money.
19. The found money does not bring happiness and therefore should not keep them in your wallet. Give them to the needy or immediately spend.
20. Whatever happens, you must believe that you are worthy of the money and they will necessarily occur.