Personal Year 1 — Personal year 1 is the beginning of your next 9-year cycle. It is the year of new beginnings, adventures and major changes in your life. So keep your eyes open for new opportunities. It is now time to take action, initiative and define your goals. It will be easy for you to tap into the energy necessary to make things happen. What you do now will bring great benefits in the future. Prepare to take on leadership roles this year, but avoid stubbornness, hastiness and recklessness. Your independence will be an important part of this cycle, as you learn to rely on your own resources. If you choose to ignore opportunities that are clearly placed in front of you, they may not present themselves again until the start of the next 9-year cycle.
Personal Year 2 — Personal year 2 is a year in which you choose a slower pace than the previous one. Remember, it is okay to rest. It will rejuvenate your energies and outlook. This is the year that you will find yourself focusing on your business and personal relationships, particularly on those who may require some extra kindness, helpfulness and assistance. It is time to find relationships that will become beneficial for you down the road. You must also take some extra time for yourself and concentrate on your needs and what brings you happiness. In fact, this may be the year that you will feel comfortable asking others for help. Your intuition will be at an all time high this year. So trust your inner voice.
Personal Year 3 — The key to personal year 3 year is socializing and enjoying life and your relationships. Your creativity, zest and desire for life are at a pinnacle. It is time to nurture the happiness and beauty that you have within yourself. Remember to be grateful for what you have and what you have been given. Do not focus on what you don’t have or what you have lost. This may be year to let your guard down and loosen up a bit. Have fun but do not lose sight of your goals. You might find yourself being much more accepted and popular within many social circles. Old friends may re-appear to rekindle your relationship. This may open opportunities for you to find yourself in the public eye. Self-expression is heightened in this 3 personal year, especially in the areas of the arts and verbal and written skills. This may be a year that all rational thinking with regards to business and finances is thrown out the door. However, to your benefit, the following year you may find a solution to the financial turmoil.
Personal Year 4 — Personal year 4 is the period of time to focus on creating solid foundations in your life. Simplicity is the key to life this year. The previous year’s celebrating and over-indulging needs to be put on the back burner. Those times are just memories. It is very important during this year to take charge of your health. Physical exercise plays an important role. Perhaps consider martial arts and yoga, as they are wonderful tools for self-discipline. It is a time to be grounded and level headed. Look for projects or business dealings that are viable and without too many risks. You may find that hard work is often boring and monotonous, but stick with it and it will eventually pay off. Laziness is not acceptable. You need to get and stay organized in order to accomplish your goals. You have finally come to realize that hard work is required to maintain your lifestyle.
Personal Year 5 — Personal Year 5 holds exciting changes and personal freedom. With change on its way you will have to learn to be a bit more flexible. Let go of things that might be impeding your progress and growth. This can cause some stress, so try to stay positive and keep a good attitude. Do not be afraid to actively seek out new opportunities as they are presented. Act fast on them, but trust your intuition. Take advantage of the new friends you will make in your personal or business life. You will experience new directions and personal growth, which will come easily. Be prepared for a year of traveling and expanding your horizons. Toward the end of the year you may look back and say: Where did the year go? Most important for your personal year 5 is to stay focused and keep your energies working together on the same path.
Personal Year 6 — The theme for your personal year 6 is to focus on personal responsibilities, family, service to others and your overall well-being. It is important that you take care of your mind, body and spirit. Remember that you will need to take care of yourself first before you can be any help or support to others. You may want to enroll in a class that deals in the arts, which you have put off for a long time. This could be the year that you finally get that exciting personal makeover to rejuvenate you. It is also a time to be grounded and stay well balanced. In accomplishing this, family, friends and loved ones will turn to you for guidance, comfort, solace and courage. You may find that some relationships you have been hanging on to are burdensome or waning. Spend the time this year nurturing the relationships that are give and take and positive. Focus your attentions on personalizing your home with things that bring inner warmth and make it a comfortable sanctuary. It may be as simple as displaying an old photograph.
Personal Year 7 — Personal year 7 is one of great reflection — both inwardly and outwardly. You will find yourself taking time to renew your spiritual or religious beliefs. You will attain a higher consciousness through practices such as meditation, prayer or introspection. This is a year to take a look at your past experiences so that you do not repeat mistakes or impede your future growth. You might find this year gets more exciting as it goes along. You are going to learn the difference of being alone and being lonely. Your alone time is very important, as you will explore philosophies that will give you a better self-awareness and get you closer to the true meaning of your life. Your introspectiveness will draw others to you.
Personal Year 8 — This is the personal year in which you will reap the benefits of all your hard work. You will attain power and leadership in your activities and relationships. This is a year of major decisions and accomplishments. This personal year 8 you will find yourself extremely busy. Seize opportunities in business dealings and act on them. In this cycle, people will take notice of your professional strengths and you will find the spotlight shining directly on you.
Personal Year 9 — Personal year 9 is the final year of the 9-year cycle, a year of completion and endings. Because of that, this is not the year to start a new business or relationship. You need to take an inventory of your life and its past triumphs and foibles. It is also a time to let go of the people, places and things from the past that have held you back. In short, out with the old and in with the new, for example, your career, home or a relationship. Letting go can be very difficult, but you will later realize that it was necessary. Allow yourself to do some internal and external housecleaning. You will find that many burdens will be lifted off of your shoulders. Go out and commune with nature, as it will relax you and prepare you for your next 9-year cycle. You should also focus on trying to be more compassionate, loving and giving this year, for you will reap great rewards.