Libra Season Horoscope Autumn


For those born under the sign of Libra, autumn brings various expected or unexpected changes at home and at work. In some cases, they will be triggered by the appearance of new people in the family, in your work team, etc.
During this season, you will have an auspicious time to start a home business, a business related to household, family services, a real estate business, a business related to construction or renovations, etc.
In autumn, you will often have to rely on other people in the implementation of plans related to your home or your career.
The transit of Mars in opposition to Pluto from the end of October and the first week of November can bring you conflict, tension and various tests of your will. This aspect can lead to confrontations, power or control struggles, or conflicts with other people. It is possible that you will face obstacles that will require more persistence and determination from you to overcome them. Also, this transit can provoke internal conflicts or emotional outbursts. It is important to exercise more self-control during this short period to avoid rash actions and drama.
Other adverse influences in autumn will affect your financial resources and savings. Most expenses in this season will not always manage to be covered by your income in time. You will experience moments of confrontation with relatives or business partners related to larger expenses, payments or investments.
During this autumn season, you will experience emotional moments related to the health of friends or people in your circle of relatives with whom you are not related by blood. The health condition of such people may require hospital treatment, surgery and have a generally unclear development during this season.
During these three months (September, October and November) you will be part of gatherings related to an important event in the life of a brother or sister, cousins and other relatives.
Short trips outside your place of residence, in most cases, will be related to meetings with relatives or to treatment, therapy, etc.
This season will have a favorable impact on your relationship with your father or male relatives.
In the fall, many will plan a trip related to returning to or visiting a parent's home. Many who have been working abroad will begin their return to their native places or start thinking/preparing for one in the coming year. You will be looking for a suitable job or business, to create your own home or restore the home of parents, grandparents.
Your love life will be difficult to characterize in a few words or pass under one denominator. The most unstable or vulnerable to mistakes and delusions will be the girls and boys born under this zodiac sign. You may be trying to gain someone's attention or romantic interest through illicit means, trickery, and manipulation. This will definitely play a bad joke on you.
Autumn will be a very favorable time for the development of a family business, your personal career or a business in a certain area (mainly related to land, real estate, construction, repairs, home and family services, etc.). You will have interesting ideas and plans that will have a real possibility of implementation within this and the winter season.
Autumn brings interesting changes in the family of Libra men. The unmarried will have a favorable three months to create their own family, to get married (if they have such plans).
In autumn, avoid making plans related to wills, inheritances, pension (especially if it is hereditary). Various disappointments, difficulties or stumbling blocks are possible when creating documents related to them, etc.
Your relationship with relatives on your spouse's side may go through turbulence related to financial interests or shared property.
Autumn will please many of you with the birth of a child, with the successes of a child or a young person in the family. These successes may relate to various public or professional appearances.
Autumn will be favorable for women to create a romantic relationship through online dating tools: dating agency, dating page, marriage agency, matchmaker, etc. A greater attention in these acquaintances on your part, will not be superfluous.
Romantic relationships that may arise at your workplace or through your professional contacts will also have an interesting development.
Some difficult moments in three months will have a relationship with a mother or with a woman who is your relative. This autumn portends a life separation from a woman due to her predetermined life path.

Horoscope Winter 2024 contains general information about the season.  The price of each horoscope is 3.00 euro and you can make a direct transfer via PAY PAL  or ETSY

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Libra Season Horoscope Summer 2024


If you were born under the sign of Libra, this summer will fulfill most of your previous plans and expectations for this season.
An important news, proposal or document that you will receive during these three months will be an important factor in the fulfillment of your goals.
Above all, summer will be a favorable time for your personal growth, that is, as a person with stable spiritual and moral values.
If you are still wandering between what is good and what is bad in life, if you are following false values that do not help you in your growth, then the events of these three months will try to correct this.
The summer will be favorable for your financial affairs, especially when you are in the process of forming and concluding a contract of a financial nature, signing similar documents, etc.
During this season, you may conclude a very important contract for you, which will bring you stability or financial benefit not only in the summer, but also in your near future.
Some of you will be faced with the choice of starting a new career, with better pay and better prospects for development, but for which you will have to make compromises.
This summer you will take a trip for family reasons, which will not be pre-planned, but will happen accidentally, due to an unexpected necessity.
During the summer, you may have to postpone a trip as other more important tasks in your life will arise.
This season will burden you mentally and emotionally with a health problem of a person in your circle of relatives or friends, about which you may learn late or the treatment of this person may start late due to various factors.
You will spend more money on your home this summer, and that money may come through your family relationships, not just from you.
During this season, some of you will have the opportunity to return to an old job or start working again at something you did before. Such skills and knowledge can be a good basis for starting your own business if you have such a desire.
And this summer, like all the other seasons so far, will have its good, unforgettable experiences, but also difficulties and problems.
During this period, the separation in the family of your relatives or friends will burden you emotionally. A breakup can be for a variety of reasons, but painfully emotional for everyone.
If you are parents and have children of your own, this summer will burden you with various contradictions or problems with a son or grandson, regardless of your own gender.
During these three months, you will experience a sad event related to a person who is a relative on the side of your partner or friend.
During this season, your relations with foreigners and with people of another nationality will be more complicated, due to various circumstances (including those of an economic or political nature).
Be cautious in dealings with people who live abroad, as an unpleasant conflict with such a person with unclear consequences is possible.
This summer you will be much more open to a social life in the environment where you live. You will be much more communicative and welcoming with your neighbors, with your partner's relatives, with new and old friends.
The summer will surprise some of the representatives of this zodiac sign with an engagement or wedding decision. Such a new beginning will be a good change in your life.
This season will test your friendships and in general your relationships with people from your daily contacts. Experiences related to common property, business or other material interests will show you which people are your true friends, colleagues or business partners.
In terms of health, summer will require more serious attention despite the warmer and pleasant days. Avoid self-diagnosis, based on information read on the Internet, avoid self-medication and use of medications for which you do not have a recommendation from a doctor or specialist.
Boys and girls will go through a summer of fast-paced events. Sometimes it will be difficult for you to judge situations correctly. Sometimes you will react much more emotionally to some minor remarks. You will be sought after by your friends, but you yourself will have to judge how much time you can give them for conversation and entertainment, in view of the responsibilities you will have with family, with education or with your work. This season will be remembered with an unpleasant news for you, most likely related to a person you know.
Men will have three favorable months to buy a home, take care of additional property or invest.
Professionally, the summer will reveal several favorable opportunities for you, but you should not rely on this, but concentrate on one particular opportunity. Otherwise, you will waste your attention and energy, and you may end up losing all those chances because of too much hesitation and uncertainty in making a decision.
Women of this zodiac sign will have to carefully monitor ailments that may be related to a hereditary disease related to a parent. With great optimism and hope, you will follow an important event in the life of a person who may be your relative or one in your circle of friends. Probably, important changes are taking place in the life of this person, which will have a huge impact on his future.