How we work

1. Astro Velida's Horoscope Page is completely free with free access. It is not reqired registration on this page. It`s free to read Nadia`s Horoscopes.
2. Daily Horoscopes are posted daily on the page and the new Weekly Horoscope is published in the middle of the week.
Monthly Horoscopes for the new month are published in the middle of the previous month.
3. For those who publish Nadia's Horoscopes on their pages, please add link to the source (
4. Astro Velida is open to partnership with similar content pages with a good rating on Internet Search Engines.
5. Tarot Reading and Reading with Runes are prepared by people outside the team of Astro Velida and we are not responsible for their activities.
6. Nadia's Personal Horoscope and answers of questions are prepared within 3 days after the payment. Payments for them aren`t refundible.