Lunar Horoscope for 3 months or more

   I present to you a new service that will allow you to order a Lunar horoscope for 3 months, with information on the position of the Moon in the different houses in a given month, the position of the different planets and aspects.
   A Lunar horoscope or calculation of the Lunar Returns allows you to see the probability of the occurrence of various important events for you that can happen within a Lunar month of 28 days. A Lunar Horoscope is a lunar return chart drawn at the exact time when the transiting Moon rises to the position of the natal Moon. When we talk about a Lunar horoscope, we mean a pattern where the transit chart is superimposed on your Natal chart, built at the moment the Moon returns to its natal position. The Lunar horoscope is calculated for 3 months of the Lunar cycle, which covers a period of about 3x28 days, and what the influence of the moon is for you during this time interval.
   The Lunar Horoscope sets the tone for the month and the Solar Horoscope sets the whole picture of your year from your birth date to your next birthday.
   To order a Lunar Horoscope, you will need to write your details, such as:

First name:
Date of birth:
Time of birth:
Place of birth:
Current place/city where you live:
Marital status:
Issues that currently concern you or whose resolution you are currently facing. Problems or situations for which you need to get an additional view, advice or prediction.
You can make a direct order by following this LINK
For more information, you can email [email protected]